Psychology research and behavior management
Psychol Res Behav Manag · Jan 2021
Don't Speak Ill of Others Behind Their Backs: Receivers' Ostracism (Sender-Oriented) Reactions to Negative Workplace Gossip.
Previous studies on negative workplace gossip have neglected the role of gossip receivers. The current study aims to explore the interpersonal interaction mechanism between gossip receivers and communicators. Drawing on social information processing theory, we propose a theoretical model for the relationships between negative workplace gossip, psychological safety, ostracism, and coworker-exchanges. ⋯ Drawing on social information processing theory, the present study constructed a process model of the recipients' sender-oriented ostracism reactions to negative workplace gossip, which helps explain the cognitive psychological mechanism and the boundary conditions of the above "perception-interpretation-behavior" social information process model. The above framework contributes to both theory and practice.
Psychol Res Behav Manag · Jan 2021
The Relationship Between Employee's Status Perception and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: A Psychological Path of Work Vitality.
Studies have shown that status-based rankings exist within almost every human social group and influence most aspects of organizational life. However, few studies have discussed the relationship between employees' status and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs). Based on social cognitive theory, this paper explores the relationship between employees' status perception and two types of OCBs: challenging and affiliative, as well as the mechanism underlying this relationship by introducing work vitality as the mediator and dominance motivation as the moderator. ⋯ The result suggests that employees' perceptions of status are positively and significantly related to their challenging and affiliative OCBs, and employee's work vitality mediates this relationship. It further indicates that dominance motivation moderates the relation between status perception and work vitality. Specifically, the positive relationship between employee status perception and work vitality is stronger when an employee has high dominance motivation than low dominance motivation.
Psychol Res Behav Manag · Jan 2020
Effects of Patients' Perceptions of Physician-Patient Relational Empathy on an Inflammation Marker in Patients with Crohn's Disease: The Intermediary Roles of Anxiety, Self-Efficacy, and Sleep Quality.
Physician-patient empathy is inextricably linked with outcomes of patients. The purpose of this study was to test whether anxiety, self-efficacy, and sleep quality played intermediary roles in relationships between patients' perceptions of physician-patient relational empathy and an inflammation marker in Crohn's disease patients. ⋯ In correlations of patients' perceptions of physician-patient relational empathy and IL6 in patients with Crohn's disease, patients' anxiety, self-efficacy, and sleep quality acted as intermediary effects. Therefore, medical staff should empathize with patients.
Psychol Res Behav Manag · Jan 2020
Examining Anxiety, Life Satisfaction, General Health, Stress and Coping Styles During COVID-19 Pandemic in Polish Sample of University Students.
The purpose of this study is to examine the association of anxiety with self-rated general health, satisfaction with life, stress and coping strategies of university students during the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak in Poland. ⋯ University students experience extremely high stress and anxiety during quarantine period and they need professional help to cope with COVID-19 pandemic. The results of this study may help prepare appropriate future intervention and effective prevention programs at universities.
Psychol Res Behav Manag · Jan 2020
Factors Associated with Psychological Distress and Brief Resilient Coping Level During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Health-Care Professionals in Dessie, Ethiopia.
The outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has caused serious threats to people's health and lives in the world. The health-care professionals are bravely fighting on the front lines of the pandemic everywhere in the world. Our study is the first to study psychological distress and coping status among health-care professionals of Dessie town, Ethiopia during the unbridled time of the COVID-19 outbreak. ⋯ Health-care professionals are experiencing a substantial level of psychological distress. In addition to other modifying factors coping level and social support was a significant predictor of psychological distress among health-care professionals. These findings should inform the implementation of interventions that increase coping resilience and social support to mitigate the impact of psychological distress among health-care professionals.