Clinical calcium
Blood levels of total Mg, ionized Mg and intracellular ionized Mg of platelet were lowered in the 2nd trimester of gestation and thereafter. Urinary excretion of Mg does not change during the whole period of pregnancy. According to our results of animal experiments, intestinal absorption of Mg does not increase during pregnancy compared with non-pregnant state. ⋯ This is reflected in the fact that Mg metabolic parameters of pregnant women with preeclampsia are relatively reduced compared with those of healthy gravidae. In the obstetrical practice Mg has other significance, because magnesium sulfate is frequently used as a drug of choice in the therapy of threatened premature delivery and eclampsia. Mg plays important roles in physiology and pharmacology during gestation.
Magnesium (Mg) , one of the fundamental minerals acting the co-factor of about 300 kinds of enzymes and natural Ca channel blocker, plays an important role of cardiovascular, neurological, and metabolic functions in physiological, and pathophysiological conditions. Common abnormal Mg metabolism is an absolute or relative deficiency of Mg due to an attenuated Mg intake and an enhanced urinary Mg excretion, particularly in the metabolic syndrome (MetS) , type 2 diabetes (DM) , chronic heart failure (CHF) and hemodialysis (HD) patients with diabetes. ⋯ On the otherhand, severe and fatal hypermagnesemia is very rare, except for the condition associated with high dose administration of Mg, renal failure and an abnormally enhanced Mg absorption from damaged intestine in the mesenteric ischemia/infarction, severe constipation or ileus. In this paper, we conduct to review and discuss the pathophysiological and pathogenetical role of the abnormal Mg metabolism focused on Mg deficiency, and the protective and therapeutic significance of Mg administration in the MetS, type 2 DM, CHF and diabetic HD patients.
It is reported that shortage of oral magnesium intake increase the incidence of diabetes. In addition, magnesium replacement therapy improves insulin resistance and glycemic control. Low levels of magnesium in the venous blood induce the disturbances of auto-phosphylation on the insulin receptor and deteriorate insulin resistance. Since magnesium is closely related to evolution and development of metabolic syndrome including diabetes mellitus and so on, magnesium is expected as potentially effective ingredient of drug therapy in the future perspectives.