Current women's health reports
Curr Womens Health Rep · Dec 2002
ReviewAnesthesia for office endometrial procedures: a review of the literature.
Providing anesthesia for office endometrial procedures is a clinical challenge. The available techniques include the traditional paracervical block, the deep paracervical block, intrauterine lidocaine, topical spray lignocaine, and conscious sedation. Each offers some benefit in providing anesthesia during these procedures and can contribute to a more comfortable experience for the patient.
It is important for healthcare providers to have a clear understanding of sexual orientation and other components of sexual identity (genetic gender, anatomic gender, gender identity, gender role, and sexual behavior). Knowledge of how a lesbian identity is formed will aide providers in guiding these girls through adolescence. Societal stigma often forces isolation that leads to many risky behaviors that affect health (alcohol and drug use; risky sexual behaviors; truancy and dropping out; running away and homelessness; and depression and suicide). Health providers need to ensure a safe and understanding environment for these girls, to enhance their physical, emotional, and social development to healthy adulthood.