JBI database of systematic reviews and implementation reports
JBI Database System Rev Implement Rep · Jun 2016
ReviewThe influence of workplace culture on nurses' learning experiences: a systematic review of qualitative evidence.
A healthy workplace culture enables nurses to experience valuable learning in the workplace. Learning in the workplace enables the provision of evidence-based and continuously improving safe patient care, which is central to achieving good patient outcomes. Therefore, nurses need to learn within a workplace that supports the implementation of evidence-based, professional practice and enables the best patient outcomes; the influence of workplace culture may play a role in this. ⋯ An optimal workplace culture is central for nurses to experience valuable and relevant learning in the workplace. To emphasize the importance of nurses' learning in the workplace, working and learning is understood as an integrated experience. Consequently, a dual system that enables nurses to demonstrate accountability for their own learning, along with clear organizational and educational systems, is required to demonstrate the value in nurses' learning and education.
JBI Database System Rev Implement Rep · Jun 2016
ReviewInterventions to build resilience in family caregivers of people living with dementia: a comprehensive systematic review.
Recent studies have indicated that family caregivers of people with dementia have higher rates of depression, anxiety and hopelessness, as well as higher levels of burden, stress and distress. Not all caregivers, however, succumb to the negative effects of caring. Caregivers who are able to recover from, resist or adapt to the physical and psychological demands of caring can be considered "resilient". ⋯ Implications for research relate to the development of a more comprehensive theory of resilience in family caregivers that can be used to develop and rigorously evaluate reliable and valid measures of resilience in line with that theory. Further, well-designed, sufficiently powered intervention studies informed by theory are needed.
JBI Database System Rev Implement Rep · Jun 2016
ReviewTreatment of exertional rhabdomyolysis in athletes: a systematic review.
Exertional rhabdomyolysis (ER) is the breakdown of skeletal muscle tissue following intense physical activity that results in impairment of the cell membrane, which allows intracellular contents to be released into the bloodstream. Signs and symptoms include myalgia, myoglobinuria and increased creatine kinase (CK) levels. Athletes are vulnerable to this condition due to their increased level of physical activity. The severity and effects of this condition vary between individuals; however, all athletes are at risk of significant muscle damage, renal failure and perhaps death if not recognized and treated quickly. Effective methods for treatment and return to activity following this condition should be established. ⋯ Due to the types of included studies and variation in reported treatment methods and outcomes for ER among athletes, effectiveness of treatment could not be determined. The limited evidence available indicates that IV fluid replacement, specifically normal saline, is the most commonly reported treatment for decreasing CK levels and myoglobinuria following ER. It appears that normal saline may be combined with other compounds including sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride or potassium chloride to achieve reduction of CK levels and myoglobinuria. Clinically, early IV fluid replacement appears to be delivered at a rate of approximately 400 ml/hour, with adjustments ranging between 200 and 1000 ml/hour, depending on severity and volume states. Hospitalization time varies, depending on severity of condition, and return to activity is widely inconsistent among the athletic population.