Zeitschrift für Alternsforschung
The author records the morphology and functions of 80 old (66 to 92 years) subjects lips and labial regions. She mentions the following types: 1. no wrinkles, normal lips and surroundings; 2. marked sulcus nasolabialis; 3. marked sulcus nasolabialis and sulcus tristitiae; 4. marked sulcus nasolabialis and sulcus tristitiae and many small wrinkles instead or in place of the latter; 5. sagging, floppy lower lips. Those types were often found to coincide with the look, the gait, the psycho-somatic status. ⋯ Lonely old people often have marked sulci tristitiae and many small wrinkles. The morphologic and functional changes described in the foregoing are related primarily with the psychovegetative disposition; their emergence is not due to the normal or abnormal clinical laboratory parameters. The above recording is an effort to provide guidance on geriatric therapy, prognosis, rehabilitation, possibilities of prevention.