Today's surgical nurse
Researchers have shown that the plume produced during electrosurgery is twice as harmful as laser plume. The smoke produced by ESUs is not routinely evacuated and rises into the air to dissipate haphazardly. Smoke evacuators remove surgical smoke from the operating suite in an efficient and safe manner.
To prevent fires, a simple rule to remember is the "fire triangle" of oxygen, heat, and fuel. Minimizing oxygen enrichment will reduce the fire hazard. Proper protocols need to be established for the handling of heat-bearing units, such as electrosurgical pencils, electrocautery units, and lasers.
Although once used to treat a multitude of conditions, maggot therapy was replaced almost entirely by the advent of antibiotics. During treatment, maggots liquify necrotic tissue and kill bacteria in the wound, stimulating healing. Despite its benefits, maggot therapy should not be used as an alternative to emergent surgery.