The international tinnitus journal
Numerous treatment modalities for decompensated tinnitus incorporate psychological principles. Procedures of energy psychology and thought field therapy are introduced in two case studies. ⋯ The methods of thought field therapy can be taught to non-mental health professionals. Audiologists and psychotherapists should collaborate to develop more efficacious treatments.
A final common pathway (FCP) for tinnitus has been hypothesized since 1989 for all clinical types of tinnitus, particularly subjective idiopathic tinnitus (SIT) of the severe disabling type. This was intended to explain the transformation-transition of the sensation of an aberrant auditory sensation-tinnitus (i.e., the sensory component)-to one of affect (i.e., the emotional-behavioral component) or, conversely, that an emotional-behavioral stimulus (affect) can result in the clinical manifestation of a sensation (a sensory stimulus). Understanding the pathophysiology of this transformation is fundamental for the diagnosis of tinnitus and the treatment of the patient, and it presents a dilemma to basic science, neuroscience, and clinical medicine. ⋯ The physiology and biochemistry underlying the neuroanatomical substrates of the FCP provide a basis for translation for tinnitus diagnosis and treatment. The neuroanatomical substrates of the FCP are presented as algorithms of (1) components of a sensation (i.e., sensory, affect, and psychomotor), a translation from basic sensory physiology for tinnitus; (2) clinically manifest biophysiological brain functions and underlying processes associated with the tinnitus; (3) a model for investigation of metabolic-electrophysiological correlates for tinnitus; (4) the basis for an integrated theory of tinnitus and brain function (i.e., tinnitus dyssynchrony-synchrony theory; (5) a model for the identification of underlying neurocircuitries and neurochemistries involved in brain for the sensory-affect transformation of an aberrant auditory stimulus (tinnitus); (6) a model for the selection-introduction of innovative therapies attempting tinnitus relief; and (7) its clinical translation for objective monitoring systems for the determination of the efficacy of modalities of therapy attempting tinnitus relief. The hypothesis of the FCP for tinnitus and the identified neuroanatomical substrates, when viewed in terms of the physiology of sensory processing, is considered to be expanded and broader in its application for all sensations, normal or aberrant.