Pain physician
Review Case Reports
Goal-Directed Health Care and the chronic pain patient: a new vision of the healing encounter.
We introduce a new way to engage the patient with chronic pain, Goal-Directed Health Care (G-DHC). Identifying the patient's major life goals during the medical interview is the key element of this approach along with connecting these life goals to specific health-related goals. The implementation of G-DHC is a shift in process from the usual focus on disease-related goals such as relief of pain, titrating narcotic refills, and working on condition management to broader, long-term, personal goals. ⋯ Utilizing these life goals as a point of reference, discussion, and motivation makes clearer what specified health goals mean, whether or not the patient is ready to work on them, and most significantly, what the underlying motivation is to participate in their own care. We anticipate such a model of patient-centered care will shift the dynamic of the medical encounter with the patient with chronic pain to one that is ultimately more productive and satisfying for both patient and physician. Illustrations of cases, questions to ask patients, and a detail of the process may allow the reader to adopt this method into their practice.
This comprehensive health policy review of the prescription drug abuse epidemic is based on the written and oral testimony of witnesses at a July 26, 2006 Congressional Hearing, including that of Laxmaiah Manchikanti, MD, the chief executive officer of the American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians and additions from review of the literature. Honorable Mark E. Souder, chairman of the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources, introduced the issue as follows: "Prescription drug abuse today is second only to marijuana abuse. ⋯ Stephen J. Pasierb presented startling statistics on teen drug abuse and various educational programs to deter abuse. Laxmaiah Manchikanti, MD presented an overview of prescription drug abuse, strategies to prevent drug abuse, including immediate funding and rapid implementation of NASPER, education at all levels and improving relations with the DEA and the provider community.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Therapeutic cervical medial branch blocks in managing chronic neck pain: a preliminary report of a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial: clinical trial NCT0033272.
Based on the criteria established by the International Association for the Study of Pain, the prevalence of persistent neck pain, secondary to involvement of cervical facet or zygapophysial joints has been described in controlled studies as varying from 54% to 67%. Intraarticular injections, medial branch nerve blocks and neurolysis of medial branch nerves have been described in managing chronic neck pain of facet joint origin. ⋯ Therapeutic cervical medial branch nerve blocks, with or without Sarapin or steroids, may provide effective management for chronic neck pain of facet joint origin.