Pain physician
In this article, we describe a case report of using real-time, high-resolution ultrasound guidance to facilitate blockade of the suprascapular nerve. We describe a case report and technique for using a portable ultrasound scanner (38 mm broadband (13-6 MHz) linear array transducer (SonoSite Micromaxx SonoSite, Inc. 21919 30th Drive SE Bothwell W. A..)) to guide suprascapular nerve block. ⋯ Ultrasound guidance does not expose patients and personnel to radiation. It is also less expensive than other imaging modalities. This technique has applications in both acute and chronic pain management.
The United States spends more of its wealth on healthcare than any other developed country, and that share is rising. Supporters of the free market system point to the regulatory burden on the healthcare industry. Estimates of the regulatory costs of US healthcare range from dollars 58 billion to dollars 339 billion. ⋯ Penalties for violating the Stark laws are severe, including fines of up to dollars 15,000 per service and the economic threat of exclusion from participation in federal healthcare programs, which may result in exclusion of any type of healthcare program and loss of privileges at hospitals and surgery centers. This manuscript reviews physician practices in general, physician payments, and self-referral patterns in particular, the evolution of the Stark law and regulations and its implications for physician practices. This article is not, and should not be, construed as legal advice or an opinion on specific situations.
Neuropathy of the median nerve within the carpal tunnel (carpal tunnel syndrome) has an age adjusted incidence of 105 cases per 100,000 person years. Treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome ranges from conservative management with medication and exercise to surgical release of the median nerve. Conservative treatment accounts for a significant portion of resources utilized and includes splinting, nerve gliding, ultrasound, and carpal bone mobilization. ⋯ After a successful diagnostic median nerve block at the cubital fossa, pulsed radiofrequency of the median nerve was performed on the left side at the cubital fossa, under ultrasound guidance. Radiofrequency probe adjustment around the nerve was conducted under live ultrasound guidance and multiple pulsed treatments were applied at anatomically distinct sites over the nerve. A 70% reduction in pain was reported over the follow up period of 12 weeks.
Case Reports
Squamous cell carcinoma occurring within incision of recently implanted spinal cord stimulator.
Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) is a treatment option for chronic pain patients. Spinal cord stimulation has been employed in the treatment of chronic pain for more than 30 years. The most common indication for SCS is the failed back syndrome with leg pain. ⋯ It was determined that the carcinoma did not extend below the dermis, and that there was no involvement of the underlying fascia. The device was tested for proper functioning, and the leads were thus left in place. While the development of skin malignancies in surgical wounds has been described in the literature, to our knowledge there have been no reports of a cutaneous neoplasm developing early in the postoperative period after spinal cord stimulator implantation.
Despite recent refinements in the technique of hypogastric plexus blockade, the lower pelvic organs and genitalia are innervated by fibers from the pre-sacral inferior hypogastric plexus and these fibers are not readily blocked using paravertebral or transdiscal approaches. ⋯ This block can be performed safely and effectively if the interventionalist has a high degree of familiarity with sacral anatomy, refined needle steering technique, and expertise in fluoroscopy. Properly performed, transsacral blockade of the inferior hypogastric plexus is a safe technique for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pain conditions involving the lower pelvic viscera.