Pain physician
In a recent press release Joseph A. Califano, Jr., Chairman and President of the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University called for a major shift in American attitudes about substance abuse and addiction and a top to bottom overhaul in the nation's healthcare, criminal justice, social service, and eduction systems to curtail the rise in illegal drug use and other substance abuse. Califano, in 2005, also noted that while America has been congratulating itself on curbing increases in alcohol and illicit drug use and in the decline in teen smoking, abuse and addition of controlled prescription drugs-opioids, central nervous system depressants and stimulants-have been stealthily, but sharply rising. ⋯ Opioids are used extensively despite a lack of evidence of their effectiveness in improving pain or functional status with potential side effects of hyperalgesia, negative hormonal and immune effects, addiction and abuse. The multiple reasons for continued escalation of prescription drug abuse and overuse are lack of education among all segments including physicians, pharmacists, and the public; ineffective and incoherent prescription monitoring programs with lack of funding for a national prescription monitoring program NASPER; and a reactive approach on behalf of numerous agencies. This review focuses on the problem of prescription drug abuse with a discussion of facts and fallacies, along with proposed solutions.
Review Case Reports
Ketamine: an introduction for the pain and palliative medicine physician.
A history of an escalating chronic intractable pain in a patient with cryoglobulinemia, vasculitis, and severe cutaneous ulcerations is presented. A strategy of progressive, multi-agent, N-methyl-D-aspartate-receptor (NMDA-R) blockade that resulted in adequate pain control and a three-fold reduction in opioid consumption is described. ⋯ Thereafter, existing clinical literature describing the use of Ketamine, a major NMDA-R antagonist for management of malignant pain, is reviewed. Lastly, evidence-based original protocol for intravenous adjuvant Ketamine analgesia for severe cancer pain is presented.
Case Reports
A case of spinal cord stimulation in Raynaud's Phenomenon: can subthreshold sensory stimulation have an effect?
Spinal cord stimulation is currently used to treat a variety of chronic intractable painful conditions. We report a case of severe Raynaud's phenomenon in the hands refractory to conservative treatment and responsive to diagnostic stellate ganglion block that was effectively treated with a spinal cord stimulator placed in the cervical epidural space. After capturing the affected areas with paresthesias, blood flow in the left hand and fingers significantly improved as evidenced by an increase in skin temperature, a change from cyanotic to pink appearance and concomitant reduction in pain. ⋯ Thus it seems, at least in the overnight period, paresthesias were not required to maintain pain relief. This case presents a potential divergence between a requirement for paresthesias and pain relief in spinal cord stimulation therapy for the treatment of Raynaud's phenomenon. The possible role of the sympathetic nervous system in this relationship is also discussed.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Evaluation of lumbar facet joint nerve blocks in the management of chronic low back pain: preliminary report of a randomized, double-blind controlled trial: clinical trial NCT00355914.
The prevalence of persistent low back pain with the involvement of lumbar facet or zygapophysial joints has been described in controlled studies as varying from 15% to 45% based on the criteria of the International Association for the Study of Pain. Therapeutic interventions utilized in managing chronic low back pain of facet joint origin include intraarticular injections, medial branch nerve blocks, and neurolysis of medial branch nerves. ⋯ Therapeutic lumbar facet joint nerve blocks with local anesthetic, with or without Sarapin or steroids, may be effective in the treatment of chronic low back pain of facet joint origin.