Pain physician
In the modern day environment, workers' compensation costs continue to be a challenge, with a need to balance costs, benefits, and quality of medical care. The cost of workers' compensation care affects all stakeholders including workers, employers, providers, regulators, legislators, and insurers. Consequently, a continued commitment to quality, accessibility to care, and cost containment will help ensure that workers are afforded accessible, high quality, and cost-effective care. ⋯ The evidence ratings for intradiscal electrothermal therapy (IDET), an automated percutaneous disc decompression and also deserve further scrutiny and analysis. In conclusion, these ACOEM guidelines for interventional pain management have no applicability in modern patient care due to lack of expertise by the developing organization (ACOEM), lack of utilization of appropriate and current EBM principles, and lack of significant involvement of experts in these techniques resulting in a lack of clinical relevance. Thus, they may result in reduced medical quality of care; may severely hinder access to appropriate, medically needed and essential medical care; and finally, they may increase costs for injured workers, third party payors, and the government by transferring the injured worker into a non-productive disability system.
Today, with the growing interest of the medical community and others in practice guidelines, there is greater emphasis on formal procedures and methods for arriving at a widely scrutinized and endorsed consensus than ever before. Conflicts in terminology and technique are notable for the confusion that guidelines create and for what they reflect about differences in values, experiences, and interests among different parties. While public and private development activities continue to multiply, the means for coordinating these efforts to resolve inconsistencies, fill in gaps, track applications and results, and assess the soundness of particular guidelines continue to be limited. In this era of widespread guideline development by private organizations, the American College of Occupational and Environment Medicine (ACOEM) has developed guidelines that evaluate areas of clinical practice well beyond the scope of occupational medicine and yet fail to properly involve physicians expert in these, especially those in the field of interventional pain management. As the field of guidelines suffers from imperfect and incomplete scientific knowledge as well as imperfect and uneven means of applying that knowledge without a single or correct way to develop guidelines, ACOEM guidelines have been alleged to hinder patient care, reduce access to interventional pain management procedures, and transfer patients into a system of disability, Medicare, and Medicaid. ⋯ Both the low back pain and chronic pain chapters of the ACOEM guidelines may not be ideal for clinical use based on the assessment by the AGREE instrument, AMA attributes, and criteria established by Shaneyfelt et al. They also scored low on IOM criteria (37.5%). These guidelines may not be applicable for clinical use.
Previous studies have compared MRI parameters to the results from discography. However, none have evaluated the overall diagnostic performance of MRI, taking into account that many MRI characteristics may be correlated. ⋯ MRI parameters are correlated with each other and with discography findings, influencing the diagnostic performance of MRI. Combining MRI parameters improves the diagnostic performance of MRI, but only in the presence of moderate loss of nuclear signal. When there is either normal nuclear signal or severe loss of nuclear signal the other MRI parameters have no influence on test performance. The practical implication for physicians that use discography is that the most important single MRI parameter to consider is nuclear signal. If nuclear signal is normal the disc is very likely to be negative on discography, while if there is severe loss of nuclear signal it is very likely to be positive. Discography will be most useful in discs with moderate loss of nuclear signal, particularly if there are no other MRI abnormalities present.
Intraspinal drug delivery therapy has been increasingly used in patients with intractable, nonmalignant pain who fail to respond to conventional treatment or cannot tolerate systemic opioid therapy due to side effects. By infusing small amount of analgesics directly into the cerebrospinal fluid in close proximity to the receptor sites in the spinal cord, one is able to achieve the spinally mediated analgesia, sparing side effects due to systemic opioids. Prior to permanent intraspinal pump implantation, an intraspinal opioid screening trial is required to document the efficacy of intraspinal opioid for analgesia. Although there are a few approaches in conducting such screening trials, a patient controlled continuous epidural morphine infusion trial, performed in an outpatient setting, is widely accepted by many interventional pain specialists. The major advantage of conducting an outpatient trial is that it mimics what patients do in their daily living, therefore minimizing the false positive rate. ⋯ Peripheral edema may occur and persist during epidural morphine infusion. This report represents the first case report, to the best of our knowledge, describing severe peripheral edema in an otherwise healthy patient while on epidural morphine administration during an outpatient epidural morphine infusion trial. This case report shows that continuous epidural morphine infusion, even in small dose, may cause peripheral edema in some patients.
Failed back surgery syndrome is a common clinical entity for which spinal cord stimulation has been found to be an effective mode of analgesia, but with variable success rates. ⋯ This is case report describing a case of a patient with chronic low back pain with a diagnosis of failed back surgery syndrome in which transverse tripolar stimulation using an octapolar and 2 quadripolar leads appeared to be beneficial. The transverse tripolar system consists of a central cathode surrounded by anodes, using 3 leads. This arrangement may contribute to maximum dorsal column stimulation with minimal dorsal root stimulation and provide analgesia to the lower back.