Pain physician
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Efficacy of intrathecal midazolam with or without epidural methylprednisolone for management of post-herpetic neuralgia involving lumbosacral dermatomes.
Post herpetic neuralgia is a chronic neuropathic pain syndrome which remains one of the most difficult pain disorders to treat. Epidural injection of methylprednisolone with or without local anesthetic provides relief for neuralgia for a short duration only. Recent studies have shown a promising anti nociceptive effect for intrathecal midazolam, a water soluble benzodiazepine, due to its interaction with benzodiazepine-GABA-A receptor complex within the spinal cord. ⋯ The dose-response relationship of intrathecal midazolam was not evaluated in our study, so further study should be conducted with different doses of intrathecal midazolam for management of PHN.
Comparative Study
An evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry versus immunoassay drug testing in pain patients.
Immunoassay screening is used by pain physicians to determine compliance with controlled substances. Because clinical use of pain medications is different from illicit drug use, there is a need to evaluate the level of diagnostic accuracy of this procedure for the pain patient. ⋯ We show that in general, immunoassay screening results are accurate, although as shown in this study there are many false negative observations. The use of LC-MS/MS technology significantly decreases the number of false negative results.
Case Reports
Spinal cord stimulation for the treatment of chronic knee pain following total knee replacement.
Chronic pain after total knee replacement is common but remains poorly understood. Management options for patients with this condition are traditionally limited to pharmacological approaches. ⋯ Spinal cord stimulation might be an option in the management of refractory knee pain following total knee replacement.
Randomized Controlled Trial
The effectiveness of fluoroscopic cervical interlaminar epidural injections in managing chronic cervical disc herniation and radiculitis: preliminary results of a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial.
Chronic neck pain is a common problem in the adult population with a typical 12-month prevalence of 30% to 50%. Cervical disc herniation and radiculitis is one of the common conditions described responsible for chronic neck and upper extremity pain. Cervical epidural injections for managing chronic neck pain with disc herniation are one of the commonly performed non-surgical interventions in the United States. However, the literature supporting cervical interlaminar epidural steroids in managing chronic neck pain is scant. ⋯ Cervical interlaminar epidural injections with local anesthetic with or without steroids might be effective in 77% of patients with chronic function-limiting neck pain and upper extremity pain secondary to cervical disc herniation and radiculitis.
Review Case Reports
Root cause analysis of paraplegia following transforaminal epidural steroid injections: the 'unsafe' triangle.
The utilization rate of transforaminal epidural steroid injections (TFESIs), an elective diagnostic and therapeutic spinal procedure, has risen dramatically over the past decade. In 2006 alone, greater than 300,000 thoracolumbar TFESIs were performed on Medicare beneficiaries. Despite the purported superiority of the transforaminal route, compared to other modes of epidural injection, TFESIs are associated with potential hazards. ⋯ Injury to the ARM can lead to paraplegia, independent of operator skill or adjuvant safety initiatives (digital subtraction angiography, local anesthetic test dose). Injury to the ARM is a "black swan" event. The authors believe that catastrophic injury may be averted when performing TFESIs by avoiding the "un-safe," superoanterior triangle in the foramen and that transforaminal injections should be performed at the inferior aspect of the foramen, known as Kambin's triangle.