Pain physician
The symptom severity of back pain/leg pain is not correlated with the severity of degenerative changes and canal stenosis in lumbar stenosis. Considering the individual pain sensitivity might play an important role in pain perception, this discordance between the radiologic findings and clinical symptoms in degenerative lumbar stenosis might originate from the individual difference of pain sensitivity for back pain and/or leg pain. ⋯ The current study suggests that the pain sensitivity could be a determining factor for symptom severity in the degenerative spinal disease.
Neuromodulation is an effective and reversible treatment option for chronic intractable pain. Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) represents a field of application of neuromodulation and is known to be effective for several conditions including complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS), and chronic leg and back pain. SCS has some technical limitations that can be bypassed through retrograde neuromodulation. ⋯ Retrograde neuromodulation seems to be effective in patients that present with a well localized pain with a clear dermatome distribution. We found retrograde neuromodulation to be effective in radiculopathy related to FBSS. We found it to be limited in the treatment of perineal pain probably due to technical limitations and anatomical reasons besides the lack of knowledge of the etiology of this pain model and the exact mechanisms of action of neuromodulation.
Placement of an intrathecal drug delivery system (IDDS) may provide substantial benefit to certain patients. However, placement of these devices is not without complications, and minimal data exist describing the rates of these complications. Specifically, there is a paucity of data describing the incidence of post dural puncture headache (PDPH) following IDDS placement. ⋯ Though the development of PDPH after IDDS implantation was found to be fairly common (23% incidence), the majority of these patients had self-limited symptoms that resolved with conservative medical management. Epidural blood patch or application of epidural fibrin glue was therapeutically successful for the remainder of PDPH patients who were refractory to conservative measures.
Intrathecal drug delivery is a mode of analgesic delivery that can be considered in those experiencing both refractory pain and excessive side effects from opioid and adjuvant analgesic use. Delivery of analgesic agents directly to the cerebral spinal fluid allows binding of the drug to receptors at the spinal level. Therefore, a reduced analgesic dosage can be afforded, resulting in reduction of drug side effects due to decreased systemic absorption. ⋯ We present 2 such cases of complications in the cancer pain patient after intrathecal drug delivery due to progression of the underlying malignant process rather than to surgical or device-related problems. The first patient had a history of metastatic osteosarcoma who, shortly after undergoing an intrathecal drug delivery trial with external pump, presented with new symptoms of both pain and neurologic changes. The second patient with a history of chondrosarcoma developed new symptoms of pain and sensorimotor change several days after intrathecal drug delivery system implantation.
Pain is influenced by weather changes under certain circumstances, and inflammatory pain in animal models is ameliorated by pressure, but the underlying mechanism of atmospheric pressure has not been clearly elucidated. ⋯ Exposure to elevated pressures appears to relieve arthritic pain for extended periods by reducing the inflammatory process and should be considered as a possible alternative pain-reducing therapy.