Pain physician
Morton's neuroma is the fibrous enlargement of the interdigital nerve branches, usually in the second and third interspace between the metatarsal heads where the lateral and medial plantar nerves often join. Specific symptoms are dull or sharp pain, numbness and/or tingling in the third and fourth digits, burning sensation, cramping, and a feeling of "walking on a stone" around the metatarsal heads. Numerous clinical tests for Morton's neuroma have been described, such as thumb index finger squeeze, and Mulder's click and foot squeeze tests. ⋯ Further, performing dynamic imaging during the aforementioned tests is paramount and can readily be carried out with ultrasound. The treatment mainly comprises footwear modifications, radiofrequency ablation, physical therapy, local (corticosteroid and anesthetic) injections into the affected webspace, and surgery. Again the use of real-time ultrasound guidance during such interventions is noteworthy.
Pulsed radiofrequency (PRF) is a novel nondestructive interventional technique for the treatment of neuropathic pain (NP). However, this intervention is still lack of relevant regulation and the mechanism of action is insofar not clear. Historically, most studies have reported that PRF can relieve reduce hyperalgesia in multiple NP animal models by acting on the dorsal root ganglion. However, a few recent studies have shown that PRF can effectively treat hyperalgesia in pain models by a direct application on injured peripheral nerves. ⋯ The findings suggest that the application of PRF at the impaired SN relieved reduced the CCI-induced NP by through regulating the upregulation of the GDNF expression in the nervous tissues.
Observational Study
Impact of Urine Drug Screening on No Shows and Dropouts among Chronic Pain Patients: A Propensity-Matched Cohort Study.
The last 2 decades have seen a substantial increase in both the prescription of opioids for managing chronic pain, and an increase in opioid-related deaths in the US. Urine drug screening (UDS) is the de facto monitoring tool aimed at detecting and deterring opioid misuse. ⋯ The results indicate that UDS is associated with increased no-shows and dropout from clinic subject to limitations of observational studies such as selection bias and confound by unobserved variables. These results serve as a call for additional prospective randomized studies to understand the impact of UDS, and where the patients might go when they dropout from the clinic.
Percutaneous transforaminal techniques for the treatment of lumbar disc herniation have markedly evolved. Percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy (PELD) for L5-S1 disc herniation is regarded as challenging due to the unique anatomy of the iliac crest, large facet joint, and inclinatory disc space. Among these, the iliac crest is considered a major obstacle. There are no studies regarding the height of the iliac crest and their appropriate procedures in PELD. ⋯ In high iliac crest cases where the iliac crest is above the mid L5 pedicle in lateral radiography, foraminoplasty may be considered for transforaminal access of L5-S1 disc herniation. Conventional transforaminal access can be utilized with ease in low iliac crest cases where the iliac crest is below the mid-L5 pedicle.