Pain physician
Treatment of symptomatic lumbar disc herniation with Modic type I endplate changes is complex and challenging, requiring systemic and local therapies which include conservative therapy, epidural infiltrations, percutaneous therapeutic techniques, and surgical options. The clinical management of symptomatic lumbar disc herniation involving Modic type I endplate changes is uniquely challenging because it requires alleviating pain caused by both the herniated disc and the endplate osteochondritis. Through different approaches, percutaneous lumbar discectomy (PLD) and percutaneous cementoplasty (PCP) have been introduced into clinical practice as alternatives to traditional surgical and radiotherapy treatments of symptomatic lumbar disc herniation and other spine diseases. ⋯ PLD plus PCP is a feasible technique for symptomatic lumbar disc herniation with Modic type I endplate changes.
Percutaneous full-endoscopic discectomy (PED) is being increasingly used because of its potential to minimalize soft-tissue damage and decrease hospital stay. PED using the interlaminar approach (PED-IL) at L4-L5 is performed by only a few surgeons. To the best of our knowledge, the safety and efficacy of PED-IL at L4-L5, without experience in PED via a transforaminal approach (PED-TF) has not been previously reported. ⋯ The clinical outcomes of PED-IL at L4-L5 were equal to those at L5-S1. Therefore, PED-IL is suitable to be a standard method for any type of intracanalicular disc herniation.
Observational Study
Endogenous Pain Facilitation Rather Than Inhibition Differs Between People with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, and Controls: An Observational Study.
Commonalities in the core symptoms of fatigue and cognitive dysfunction experienced by chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS, also known as ME) and multiple sclerosis (MS) patients have been described. Many CFS and MS patients also experience chronic pain, which has been attributed to central sensitization in both groups of patients. However, the characteristics of pain in CFS and MS patients have not been compared. ⋯ We found differences in the characteristics of pain symptoms reported by patients with CFS and patients with MS, which suggest different underlying mechanisms. Specifically, overactive endogenous pain facilitation was characteristic of pain in patients with CFS but not in patients with MS, suggesting a greater role for central sensitization in CFS.
Observational Study
Evaluation of Depression in Subacute Low Back Pain: A Case Control Study.
Review Meta Analysis
The Effectiveness of Manual Therapy for Relieving Pain, Stiffness, and Dysfunction in Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is the most common form of arthritis, leading to pain disability in seniors and increased health care utilization. Manual therapy is one widely used physical treatment for KOA. ⋯ The preliminary evidence from our study suggests that manual therapy might be effective and safe for improving pain, stiffness, and physical function in KOA patients and could be treated as complementary and alternative options. However, the evidence may be limited by potential bias and poor methodological quality of included studies. High-quality RCTs with long-term follow-up are warranted to confirm our findings.Key words: Knee osteoarthritis, manual therapy, systematic review.