Pain physician
Cooled radiofrequency ablation (CRFA) in a randomized, prospective study demonstrated significantly greater improvements in pain, functional, and global outcome measures. ⋯ Radiofrequency ablation, chronic knee pain, knee osteoarthritis.
Scoliosis secondary to lumbar disc herniation (LDH) may occur in both adolescents and adults. As the spine is more flexible in adolescents than in adults, the curve features and curve evolution could be different between these 2 cohorts, which were unclear. ⋯ Sciatic scoliosis, lumbar disc herniation, adolescent, adult, resolution, lumbar discectomy.
The current opioid epidemic is perhaps the greatest public health crisis in the United States. Although multiple factors led to the rise of this epidemic, it is without question associated with the rise in opioid prescribing. ⋯ Opioid, opioid epidemic, opioid utilization.
Diabetes is one of the most common diseases in today's society. Diabetes can cause multiple vascular lesions in the body, renal insufficiency, blindness, and so on. However, the evidence concerning the role of extracorporeal shock wave therapy in diabetic vascular disease is insufficient. ⋯ Shock wave, diabetic rats, vascular dysfunction, neovascularization.