European journal of applied physiology
Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. · Nov 2008
Hemodynamic responses to simulated weightlessness of 24-h head-down bed rest and KAATSU blood flow restriction.
The KAATSU training is a unique method of muscle training with restricting venous blood flow, which might be applied to prevent muscle atrophy during space flight, but the effects of KAATSU in microgravity remain unknown. We investigated the hemodynamic responses to KAATSU during actually simulated weightlessness (6 degrees head-down tilt for 24 h, n = 8), and compared those to KAATSU in the seated position before bed rest. KAATSU was applied to the proximal ends of both the thighs. ⋯ NOR, ADH and PRA also increased during KAATSU. These results indicate that KAATSU blood flow restriction reproduces the effects of standing on HR, SV, NOR, ADH, PRA, etc., thus stimulating a gravity-like stress during simulated weightlessness. However, syncope due to lower extremity blood pooling and subsequent reduction of venous return may be induced during KAATSU in microgravity as reported in cases of lower-body negative pressure.
Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. · Nov 2008
Metabolic and cardiovascular responses during sub-maximal exercise in humans after 14 days of head-down tilt bed rest and inactivity.
VO(2), f (H), Q, SV, [Hb], C(a)O(2), QaO(2), MAP and R (P) were measured in 10 young subjects at rest and during exercise at 50, 100 and 150 W before and after 14 days of head-down tilt bed rest (HDTBR) and of ambulatory (AMB) control period. f (H) was 18 and 8% higher after HDTBR and AMB, respectively. SV dropped by 15% both after HDTBR and AMB, whereas Q did not change. ⋯ Changes in f (H) and SV were larger after HDTBR than after AMB. These results show that, notwithstanding the drop of SV, moderate-intensity dynamic exercise elicited a normal pressure response after 14 days of HDTBR.