Veterinary anaesthesia and analgesia
To quantify the dose of pancuronium required to obtain moderate neuromuscular blockade as monitored by acceleromyography (NMB(mod) : train-of-four count of ≤2) as a part of a balanced anaesthetic protocol in pigs used in cardiovascular research. ⋯ These pancuronium doses can be used as a guideline to achieve NMB(mod) in pigs as part of a balanced anaesthetic protocol. Instrumental NMB monitoring is essential because of individual kinetic variations and compliance to monitoring guidelines.
To evaluate the endotracheal tube cuff pressure achieved by four different inflation methods. ⋯ None of the methods evaluated in this study can be considered effective for inflating the endotracheal tube cuff to within the optimal range when using silicone tubes. Direct measurement of the cuff pressure with a manometer is therefore recommended.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Clinical effects of isoflurane and sevoflurane in lambs.
To compare isoflurane and sevoflurane in lambs undergoing prolonged anaesthesia for spinal surgery. ⋯ The principal advantage of sevoflurane over isoflurane during prolonged anaesthesia in lambs is a more rapid recovery.
To evaluate the accuracy of a new cardiac output monitor (FloTrac/Vigileo), originally designed for humans, in dogs. This pulse contour cardiac output monitoring system cannot be calibrated and measures cardiac output (Q̇t) from a standard arterial catheter. ⋯ The FloTrac monitor, whose algorithms were developed based on human data, cannot be used as an alternative for thermodilution in dogs.