The lancet oncology
The lancet oncology · Jun 2012
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Comparative StudyPostoperative morbidity and mortality after mesorectal excision with and without lateral lymph node dissection for clinical stage II or stage III lower rectal cancer (JCOG0212): results from a multicentre, randomised controlled, non-inferiority trial.
Mesorectal excision is the international standard surgical procedure for lower rectal cancer. However, lateral pelvic lymph node metastasis occasionally occurs in patients with clinical stage II or stage III rectal cancer, and therefore mesorectal excision with lateral lymph node dissection is the standard procedure in Japan. We did a randomised controlled trial to confirm that the results of mesorectal excision alone are not inferior to those of mesorectal excision with lateral lymph node dissection. ⋯ National Cancer Center, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan.
The lancet oncology · Jun 2012
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter StudyAdjuvant radiotherapy versus observation alone for patients at risk of lymph-node field relapse after therapeutic lymphadenectomy for melanoma: a randomised trial.
The use of radiotherapy after therapeutic lymphadenectomy for patients with melanoma at high risk of further lymph-node field and distant recurrence is controversial. Decisions for radiotherapy in this setting are made on the basis of retrospective, non-randomised studies. We did this randomised trial to assess the effect of adjuvant radiotherapy on lymph-node field control in patients who had undergone therapeutic lymphadenectomy for metastatic melanoma in regional lymph nodes. ⋯ National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia, Cancer Australia, Melanoma Institute Australia, Cancer Council of South Australia.
The lancet oncology · Jun 2012
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Comparative StudyChemoradiotherapy with capecitabine versus fluorouracil for locally advanced rectal cancer: a randomised, multicentre, non-inferiority, phase 3 trial.
Fluorouracil-based chemoradiotherapy is regarded as a standard perioperative treatment in locally advanced rectal cancer. We investigated the efficacy and safety of substituting fluorouracil with the oral prodrug capecitabine. ⋯ Roche Pharma AG (Grenzach-Wyhlen, Germany).