The lancet oncology
The lancet oncology · Jul 2012
ReviewRadiotherapy for head and neck tumours in 2012 and beyond: conformal, tailored, and adaptive?
Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) is a conformal irradiation technique that enables steep dose gradients. In head and neck tumours this approach spares parotid-gland function without compromise to treatment efficacy. ⋯ Planned dose increases to parts of the target volumes may also be used to match the radiosensitivity of tumours (so-called dose-painting), assessed by molecular imaging. For swift implementation of tailored and adaptive IMRT, tools and procedures, such as accurate image acquisition and reconstruction, automatic segmentation of target volumes and organs at risk, non-rigid image and dose registration, and dose summation methods, need to be developed and properly validated.
The lancet oncology · Jul 2012
ReviewImmunotherapies for non-small-cell lung cancer and mesothelioma.
Non-small-cell lung cancer and mesothelioma are thoracic malignancies, which in their advanced stages are incurable and have poor prognosis. Advances in our understanding of immune responses to tumours, tumour immunosuppression mechanisms, and tumour-specific shared antigens enabled successful early clinical trials of several specific and non-specific immunotherapies. ⋯ In mesothelioma, immunotherapies being investigated include dendritic cell-based and Listeria-based vaccines, and allogeneic tumour cell and WT1 analogue peptide vaccines. Selection of appropriate patients and disease stages for immunotherapy, measurement of tumour-specific immune responses, and understanding the association between immune and clinical responses are some of the major challenges for the development of immunotherapies for these malignancies.
The lancet oncology · Jul 2012
ReviewConservative mastectomy: extending the idea of breast conservation.
Conservative mastectomy is a surgical technique to remove breast glandular tissue without disruption to the appearance of the breast. The main contraindication to this operation is involvement of the nipple-areola complex. ⋯ A complication, however infrequent, is nipple necrosis, which can be treated successfully by local excision. Several breast reconstructive techniques are used during conservative mastectomy and aesthetic results are good in most cases.