The lancet oncology
The lancet oncology · Mar 2014
Meta AnalysisSurrogate endpoints for overall survival in metastatic melanoma: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.
Recent phase 3 trials have shown an overall survival benefit in metastatic melanoma. We aimed to assess whether progression-free survival (PFS) could be regarded as a reliable surrogate for overall survival through a meta-analysis of randomised trials. ⋯ None.
The lancet oncology · Mar 2014
Meta AnalysisSecond primary malignancies with lenalidomide therapy for newly diagnosed myeloma: a meta-analysis of individual patient data.
Lenalidomide has been linked to second primary malignancies in myeloma. We aimed to pool and analyse available data to compare the incidence of second primary malignancies in patients with and without lenalidomide exposure. ⋯ Celgene Corporation.