The lancet oncology
The lancet oncology · Aug 2018
ReviewDeveloping institutions for cancer care in low-income and middle-income countries: from cancer units to comprehensive cancer centres.
Global cancer centres operate across different sizes, scales, and ecosystems. Understanding the essential aspects of the creation, organisation, accreditation, and activities within these settings is crucial for developing an affordable, equitable, and quality cancer care, research, and education system. ⋯ However, some robust examples of the delivery of complex cancer care in centres in emerging economies are available. Although it is impossible to create an optimal system to fit the unique needs of all countries for the delivery of cancer care, we summarise what has been published about the development and management of cancer centres in low-income and middle-income countries so far and highlight the need for clinical and political leadership.
The lancet oncology · Aug 2018
ReviewCognitive functioning and health-related quality of life in patients with newly diagnosed primary CNS lymphoma: a systematic review.
Incidence of primary CNS lymphoma (PCNSL) is increasing, while prognosis is improving as treatments advance. However, declined cognitive functioning remains a major challenge in the treatment of PCNSL. This cognitive decline, in conjunction with other symptoms caused by the disease or its treatment, or both, can compromise health-related quality of life (HRQOL). ⋯ HRQOL scores were worse compared with controls, and worse after combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy when compared with chemotherapy only, particularly in the long term. Therefore, combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy seems to have a negative effect on HRQOL and cognition in patients with PCNSL. Although prolonged progression-free survival is achieved with combined treatment, information on its effect on cognition and HRQOL should be included in clinical decision-making.
The lancet oncology · Aug 2018
ReviewCognitive functioning and health-related quality of life in patients with newly diagnosed primary CNS lymphoma: a systematic review.
Incidence of primary CNS lymphoma (PCNSL) is increasing, while prognosis is improving as treatments advance. However, declined cognitive functioning remains a major challenge in the treatment of PCNSL. This cognitive decline, in conjunction with other symptoms caused by the disease or its treatment, or both, can compromise health-related quality of life (HRQOL). ⋯ HRQOL scores were worse compared with controls, and worse after combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy when compared with chemotherapy only, particularly in the long term. Therefore, combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy seems to have a negative effect on HRQOL and cognition in patients with PCNSL. Although prolonged progression-free survival is achieved with combined treatment, information on its effect on cognition and HRQOL should be included in clinical decision-making.
The lancet oncology · Aug 2018
ReviewBiological material collection to advance translational research and treatment of children with CNS tumours: position paper from the SIOPE Brain Tumour Group.
Paediatric CNS tumours are the most common cause of childhood cancer-related morbidity and mortality, and improvements in their diagnosis and treatment are needed. New genetic and epigenetic information about paediatric CNS tumours is transforming the field dramatically. For most paediatric CNS tumour entities, subgroups with distinct biological characteristics have been identified, and these characteristics are increasingly used to facilitate accurate diagnoses and therapeutic recommendations. ⋯ However, deficits in organisational structures and interdisciplinary cooperation are impeding the collection of high-quality biomaterial from CNS tumours in most centres. Practical, legal, and ethical guidelines for consent, storage, material transfer, biobanking, data sharing, and funding should be established by research consortia and local institutions to allow optimal collection of primary and subsequent tumour tissue, body fluids, and normal tissue. Procedures for the collection and storage of biomaterials and related data should be implemented according to the individual and organisational structures of the local institutions.