Emergency medicine journal : EMJ
A short systematic review was undertaken to assess whether adult patients presenting to the ED with a first seizure require a CT head scan to rule out emergent intracranial pathology. MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane and Google Scholar databases were searched. ⋯ Our results indicate that adults presenting with a first seizure are a high-yield group for CT with a number needed to scan (NNS) between 10 and 19 for findings that would change management in ED, such as haemorrhage, infarction and tumours. We believe that this NNS is sufficiently low to justify the routine use of neuroimaging for these patients in emergency care.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
The RELIEF feasibility trial: topical lidocaine patches in older adults with rib fractures.
Lidocaine patches, applied over rib fractures, may reduce pulmonary complications in older patients. Known barriers to recruiting older patients in emergency settings necessitate a feasibility trial. We aimed to establish whether a definitive randomised controlled trial (RCT) evaluating lidocaine patches in older patients with rib fracture(s) was feasible. ⋯ Recruitment of older patients with rib fracture(s) in an emergency setting for the evaluation of lidocaine patches is feasible. Refinement of data collection, with a focus on the collection of pain, frailty-specific outcomes and intervention delivery are needed before progression to a definitive trial.
Multicenter Study Observational Study
Frailty is associated with 30-day mortality: a multicentre study of Swedish emergency departments.
Older patients living with frailty have an increased risk for adverse events. The Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) is a 9-point frailty assessment instrument that has shown promise to identify frail emergency department (ED) patients at increased risk of adverse outcomes. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between CFS scores and 30-day mortality in an ED setting when assessments are made by regular ED staff. ⋯ Patients living with frailty, had significantly higher mortality and admission rates as well as longer ED and in-hospital LOS compared with robust patients. The results confirm the capability of the CFS to risk stratify short-term mortality in older ED patients.