Current pain and headache reports
Curr Pain Headache Rep · Jul 2024
ReviewPrimary Headache Associated with Sexual Activity: A Review of the Literature.
This review summarizes the evolution in diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of primary headache associated with sexual activity (PHASA). ⋯ Despite increased access to patient information and advances in imaging, the pathophysiology of PHASA remains not fully understood. There are many secondary headaches that may present with headache during sexual activity, and a thorough workup is indicated to rule out potentially life-threatening etiologies. Many recent case series discuss the efficacy of known treatments of PHASA, as well as suggest other potential therapies for this condition including the newer CGRP-targeted therapies. Headaches during sexual activity can be worrisome events which necessitate urgent evaluation, particularly when presenting with sudden-onset and severe "thunderclap" headaches. A thorough workup including imaging should be conducted to rule out etiologies such as subarachnoid hemorrhage, reversible cerebral vasoconstrictive syndrome (RCVS), vasospasm, and dissection. PHASA is commonly comorbid with migraine, tension-type headache, exertional headache, and hypertension. PHASA can present as a dull headache that progresses with sexual excitement, or an explosive headache at or around orgasm. Pain is primarily occipital, diffuse, and bilateral. The headaches are discrete, recurrent events with bouts that typically self-resolve, but may also relapse and remit or continue chronically in some patients. PHASA can be treated preemptively with indomethacin and triptans administered prior to sexual activity, or treated prophylactically with beta-blockers, topiramate, and calcium channel blockers. CGRP-targeted therapies may provide relief in PHASA based on a few case reports, but there are no randomized controlled trials looking at specific efficacy for these therapies.
Curr Pain Headache Rep · Jul 2024
ReviewSubsume Pediatric Headaches in Psychiatric Disorders? Critiques on Delphic Nosology, Diagnostic Conundrums, and Variability in the Interventions.
Tension-type headache (TTH) continues to be the most prevalent type of headache across all age groups worldwide, and the global burden of migraine and TTH together account for 7% of all-cause years lived with disability (YLDs). TTH has been shown to have a prevalence of up to 80% in several studies and presents a wide range and high variability in clinical settings. The aim of this review is to identify gaps in diagnostics, nosology, and variability in the treatment of children and adolescents who present with headaches without an identifiable etiology. ⋯ Migraine and TTH have been debated to have more similarities than distinctions, increasing chances of misdiagnosis and leading to significant cases diagnosed as probable TTH or probable migraine. The lack of specificity and sensitivity for TTH classification often leads to the diagnosis being made by negating associated migraine symptoms. Although pathology is not well understood, some studies have suggested a neurological basis for TTH, in need of further validation. Some research indicates that nitric oxide signaling plays an integral part in the pain mechanisms related to TTH. Analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories are usually the first lines of treatment for children with recurring headaches, and additional treatment options include medication and behavioral therapies. With high prevalence and socioeconomic burden among children and adolescents, it's essential to further study Tension-type headaches and secondary headaches without known cause and potential interventions. Treatment studies involving randomized controlled trials are also needed to test the efficacy of various treatments further.
Curr Pain Headache Rep · Jul 2024
ReviewCan Long-Term Outcomes of Posttraumatic Headache be Predicted?
Headache is one of the most common symptoms of traumatic brain injury, and it is more common in patients with mild, rather than moderate or severe, traumatic brain injury. Posttraumatic headache can be the most persistent symptom of traumatic brain injury. In this article, we review the current understanding of posttraumatic headache, summarize the current knowledge of its pathophysiology and treatment, and review the research regarding predictors of long-term outcomes. ⋯ To date, posttraumatic headache has been treated based on the semiology of the primary headache disorder that it most resembles, but the pathophysiology is likely to be different, and the long-term prognosis differs as well. No models exist to predict long-term outcomes, and few studies have highlighted risk factors for the development of acute and persistent posttraumatic headaches. Further research is needed to elucidate the pathophysiology and identify specific treatments for posttraumatic headache to be able to predict long-term outcomes. In addition, the effect of managing comorbid traumatic brain injury symptoms on posttraumatic headache management should be further studied. Posttraumatic headache can be a persistent symptom of traumatic brain injury, especially mild traumatic brain injury. It has traditionally been treated based on the semiology of the primary headache disorder it most closely resembles, but further research is needed to elucidate the pathophysiology of posttraumatic headache and determine risk factors to better predict long-term outcomes.
This review assesses the effectiveness and safety of light therapy, particularly green light therapy, as an emerging non-pharmacological treatment for chronic migraine (CM). It aims to highlight alternative or complementary approaches to traditional pharmacological remedies, focusing the need for diverse treatment options. ⋯ Despite sensitivity to light being a defining feature of migraine, light therapy has shown promising signs in providing substantial symptom relief. Studies have provided insights into green light therapy's role in managing CM. These studies consistently demonstrate its efficacy in reducing the frequency, severity, and symptoms of migraines. Additional benefits observed include improvements in sleep quality and reductions in anxiety. Importantly, green light therapy has been associated with minimal side effects, indicating its potential as a suitable option for migraine sufferers. In addition to green light, other forms of light therapy, such as infrared polarized light, low-level laser therapy (LLLT), and intravascular irradiation of blood (ILIB), are also being explored with potential therapeutic effects. Light therapies, especially green light therapy, are recognized as promising, safe, and non-pharmacological interventions for treating CM. They have been shown to be effective in decreasing headache frequency and enhancing the overall quality of life. However, current studies, often limited by small sample sizes, prompt more extensive clinical trials to better understand the full impact of light therapies. The exploration of other light-based treatments, such as LLLT and ILIB, warrants further research to broaden the scope of effective migraine management strategies.
Curr Pain Headache Rep · Jul 2024
Review Meta AnalysisEffectiveness of Laser Acupuncture for Reducing Pain and Increasing Mouth Opening Range in Individuals with Temporomandibular Disorder: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis.
Laser acupuncture (LA) demonstrates promising results in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. However, its effects on temporomandibular disorder (TMD) are not yet fully understood. Thus, the aim of this systematic review and network meta-analysis was to assess the effectiveness of LA on pain intensity and maximum mouth opening range (MMO) related to TMD. A search was carried out in 11 electronic databases and references of included studies to locate randomized clinical trials (RCTs) that evaluated LA as a primary treatment for TMD. The risk of bias was assessed using the RoB 2 tool. Network meta-analysis was conducted on the MetaInsight platform, considering the pain intensity and counseling (C) as the outcome of reference. The GRADE system was used to assess the certainty of the evidence. ⋯ Five studies evaluated pain intensity, four with a high risk of bias and one with a low risk. Two studies evaluated pain intensity on palpation (one with high and one with low risk of bias), and one study with high risk of bias evaluated MMO. Laser parameters were: 690-810 nm, 40-150 mW, and 7.5-112.5 J/cm2. Occlusal splint (OS) [- 2.47; CI 95% - 3.64, - 1.30] and Physiotherapy (PT) [-2.64; CI 95% - 3.94, - 1.34] reduced pain intensity compared to C. The ranking of treatments in order of effectiveness was PT > OS > LA > C > CR (craniopuncture). The certainty of the evidence was very low or low. The data do not support the indication of LA for the treatment of TMDs and new placebo-controlled RCTs must be conducted to demonstrate its effectiveness more precisely.