Respiratory medicine case reports
Respir Med Case Rep · Jan 2018
Case ReportsDeep accidental hypothermia accompanied with cardiac arrest after alcohol and drug poisoning treated with extracorporeal life support.
Deep accidental hypothermia is an unusual clinical entity in developed countries. We report a case of a 30 year old male Caucasian patient with accidental severe hypothermia who was transferred to the emergency department of our hospital after prolonged exposure in the urban city's night environment cold as a result of alcohol and drugs abuse. The patient was found unconscious in the first early hours from onlookers. ⋯ In the emergency department an extracorporeal life support system (ECLS) was implanted under cardiopulmonary resuscitation in order to achieve hemodynamic stabilization and rapid and safe rewarming. The patient's rewarming lasted 6 hours. The patient was extubated the next day.
Respir Med Case Rep · Jan 2018
Case ReportsMiliary tuberculosis mimicking systemic lupus erythematosus flare.
A 26-year-old woman was diagnosed with and treated for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in 2002. She was admitted 11 years later with nephrotic-range proteinuria and lupus nephritis and received two doses of rituximab after failing on steroids and mycophenolate mofetil. Four months later, she presented with fever and joint pain/swelling. ⋯ Synovial fluid Smears, and cultures yielded positive results for Mycobacterium tuberculosis; similarly, sputum polymerase chain reaction test and culture confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is difficult to diagnose in SLE patients; it may present like or precipitate SLE flare. In this patient a presumed SLE flare turned out to be an aggressive miliary, disseminated tuberculosis.
Respir Med Case Rep · Jan 2018
Case ReportsAcute exacerbation of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis triggered by Aspergillus empyema.
Acute exacerbation (AE) is a severe and life-threatening complication of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). In 2016, the definition and diagnostic criteria for AE-IPF were updated by an international working group. ⋯ This is the first report describing AE-IPF triggered by Aspergillus empyema, which was improved by a combination of corticosteroid, systemic antifungal therapy, local antifungal therapy, and additional pharmacological therapies. Future research may reveal optimal strategies for both idiopathic and triggered AE-IPF.
Respir Med Case Rep · Jan 2018
Case ReportsUse of high-flow nasal cannula in obese patients receiving colonoscopy under intravenous propofol sedation: A case series.
Intravenous sedation during colonoscopy has become the standard practice in the United States given its higher patient satisfaction and procedural quality. This practice is not free of side effects as a significant proportion of patients undergoing this procedure tend to have respiratory depression and desaturation events. ⋯ Here we present 3 cases of patients undergoing adjunctive oxygen therapy with HFNC during colonoscopy with intravenous sedation. We found patients to have lower number of desaturation events and were satisfied with their experience.
Respir Med Case Rep · Jan 2018
Case ReportsAn autopsy case of bird-related chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis presenting with repeated acute exacerbation.
A 68-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital with a dry cough in 2010. Chest computed tomography showed the appearance of a nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP) pattern. Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) was performed, and the specimens prominently showed a usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) pattern. ⋯ Even though she was treated with corticosteroids and immunosuppressants and recommended to avoid bird-related antigens, she had a progressive course with repeated acute exacerbation episodes and died of respiratory failure. The autopsy findings showed diffuse alveolar damage superimposed on UIP. Clinicians should be aware that BRCHP patients especially with histopathologically UIP pattern may experience acute exacerbation.