Canadian family physician Médecin de famille canadien
Timely access to specialist care is an important issue for patients with mild to moderate symptoms, and wait times for referrals are currently quite long. ⋯ Supported by RACE, FPs can more effectively remain the locus of patient care, calling on other specialist expertise when appropriate and providing better coordination of care for their patients. Evaluations to date suggest RACE helps reduce system costs by reducing unnecessary emergency department visits and face-to-face specialist consultations.
To explore how access to a family medicine clinic co-locating with the Children's Aid Society (CAS) of Hamilton in Ontario helped meet the unique needs of children in care. ⋯ Access to a family medicine clinic designed specifically for children in care that co-located with the CAS enhanced not only the planning, management, and evaluation of care, but also provided a consistency that was not found in other parts of the children's lives; this helped generate trusting relationships over time. The co-location provided a strong spoke in the circle of care.
To explore the perceived effect of an elective international health rotation on family medicine resident learning. ⋯ The findings of this study will have a considerable effect on pedagogy. The residents' experiences of their international health rotations and what they learned in terms of medical skills and pedagogic approaches in working with patients are described. Using a collaborative approach with the rotation supervisors, the data were triangulated and the benefits of an international rotation on academic training were more accurately defined. The findings can now be used to enrich academic programs in social and preventive medicine and more adequately prepare future family physicians for work in various social and cultural settings.