ANZ journal of surgery
ANZ journal of surgery · Sep 2019
Weekend effect: analysing temporal trends in solid organ donation.
Research suggests patients treated over weekends experience poorer outcomes. Only one US-based study explored this weekend effect in organ donation, specifically the kidney discard rate. In Australia potential donors are referred to a donation service, and donation proceeds if family consent is granted and the donor is deemed medically suitable to donate. Organ procurement occurs when utilization is almost certain hence discard rates are much lower than in the USA. We aimed to characterize the effect of weekend referral on organ donation in Australia. ⋯ In Australia, the donation pathway operates consistently throughout the week, with donation no less likely to proceed on weekends and holidays. This finding contrasts with findings in the USA.
ANZ journal of surgery · Sep 2019
Evaluation of website information provided by paediatric surgery centres in Australia and New Zealand.
Hospital websites are an important source of information for patients, parents and healthcare providers. There are currently no standardized recommendations for the information provided on paediatric surgery websites. We aimed to assess the information available on each hospital website, in Australia and New Zealand, which provides paediatric surgical care. ⋯ The internet presence of paediatric surgery in Australia and New Zealand is sparse. One-third of centres do not have hospital web presence. The availability of clinical guidelines and patient information sheets on hospital websites is limited. Our findings would suggest that improvement and increase in the internet presence of paediatric surgery in Australia and New Zealand is needed.