Arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria
To report a case of unilateral headache with two possibilities of diagnosis. ⋯ Therapeutic trials of indomethacin on younger patients presenting clinical diagnosis of SUNCT could be tried on a more regular basis.
To evaluate the diagnostic usefulness of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) cellularity, protein, neutrophils, glucose and lactate for detection of postoperative bacterial meningitis. ⋯ The CSF glucose, lactate, and cellularity can be used for the diagnosis of bacterial meningitis. Moreover, it can be helpful to differentiate bacterial from aseptic meningitis.
To establish reference values for measures of blood flow velocities and impedance indexes in healthy individuals through conventional transcranial Doppler (TCD) and to observe their variations in relation to the age and sex. ⋯ TCD was shown useful in the evaluation of hemodynamic cerebral for our population. Our results are similar to the other studies, so much in the reference values as in relationship with the age and the sex.
To report our data of cases of failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) and surgical and nonsurgical etiologies. ⋯ The failure of back surgery remains a challenge for the surgeons. There is an incessant search for the causes and the action mechanisms of this syndrome and the best method of treatment.
To study clinical and EEG features of children with ictal vomiting and no underlying brain lesions (Panayiotopoulos syndrome). The subjects were 36 children aged 2-13 years. The onset of seizures occurred between 1 and 5 years of age. ⋯ No clinical differences were observed between patients having occipital or extraoccipital spikes. In children only with autonomic seizures, the spikes are predominantly occipital but blockage by opening of the eyes is a less frequent feature. In some children there is an overlapping of different focal childhood idiopathic syndromes.