Nurse education in practice
The debate surrounding The Human Rights Act (The Human Rights Act 1998. Home Office, London) and its impact on survivors of violence, has coincided with current political emphasis and UK Government policy on promoting partnership in the development and d elivery of statutory and voluntary health and social services (Crime and Disorder Act 1998, Home Office, London, Making a difference. Department of Health, London, 1999a, Modernising health and social services national priorities guidance 2000/01-2002/03. ⋯ As this was a new and different programme, School systems did not always match the needs of the course. Changes needed to be negotiated and new systems established. However, despite the challenges, everyone involved worked collaboratively across disciplines, reflecting current British policy emphasising partnership in dealing with the consequences of violent crime (Home Office 1998a) and the Department of Health's (1999a) strategies for care delivery in the National Health Service.