Qatar medical journal
Qatar medical journal · Jan 2021
Identification of potential natural inhibitors of the receptor-binding domain of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein using a computational docking approach.
Background: The novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the only zoonotic-origin CoV to reach the pandemic stage, to which neither an effective vaccine nor a specific therapy is available. The spike glycoprotein harbors the receptor-binding domain (RBD) that mediates the virus's entry to host cells. This study aimed to identify novel inhibitors that target the spike protein's RBD domain through computational screening of chemical and natural compounds. ⋯ Additionally, the study reports a list of 25 natural compounds that showed effective binding with an improved average binding affinity of - 51.46 kcal/mol. Conclusions: Using computational screening, we identified potential SARS-CoV-2 S glycoprotein inhibitors that bind to the RBD region. Using structure-based design and combination-based drug therapy, the identified molecules could be used to generate anti-SARS-CoV-2 drug candidates.
The presence of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) and its associated disease, COVID-19 has had an enormous impact on the operations of the emergency department (ED), particularly the triage area. The aim of the study was to derive and validate a prediction rule that would be applicable to Qatar's adult ED population to predict COVID-19-positive patients. ⋯ The Q-PREDICT is a simple scoring system based on information readily collected from patients at the front desk of the ED and helps to predict COVID-19 status at triage. The scoring system performed well in the internal and external validation on datasets obtained from the state of Qatar.
Qatar medical journal · Jan 2019
EditorialTrauma intensive care unit (TICU) at Hamad General Hospital.
Trauma is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide, and thus represents a great global health challenge. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that 9% of deaths in the world are the result of trauma.1 In addition, approximately 100 million people are temporarily or permanently disabled every year.2 The situation is no different in Qatar, and injury related morbidity and mortality is increasing in the entire region, with road traffic collisions (RTCs) being the most common mechanism.1 It is well recognized now that trauma care provided in high-volume, dedicated, level-one trauma centers, improves outcome. Studies have also looked at what are the components of a trauma system that contribute to their effectiveness2. ⋯ It is well staffed with highly trained and qualified personnel, and utilizes the latest in technology and state-of-the-art equipment. It performs very well, when compared to other similar units in the world, and achieves a comparable, or even lower mortality rate. With continued great support from the hospital, corporation administration, and Ministry of Public Health, the future goals of the TICU will be to maintain and improve upon the high standards of clinical care it provides, as well as perform a high quality and quantity of research, quality improvement initiatives, and educational work, in order for it to be amongst the best trauma critical care units in the world.
Bjorn Ibsen, an anesthetist who pioneered positive pressure ventilation as a treatment option during the Copenhagen polio epidemic of 1952, set up the first Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in Europe in 1953. He managed polio patients on positive pressure ventilation together with physicians and physiologists in a dedicated ward, where one nurse was assigned to each patient. In that sense Ibsen is more or less the father of intensive care medicine as a specialty and also an advocate of the one-to-one nursing ratio for critically ill patients. ⋯ The infrastructure, technology, and manpower to put this in place also has associated costs. As the demand for ICU care will rise further in the future, intensivists will play an even more important role in the healthcare system that itself is under enormous economic pressure to ensure the best quality of care for critically ill patients. Besides excellent knowledge and hard skills, intensivists need to be team players, communicators, facilitators, and arbitrators to achieve the best results in collaboration with all involved in patient treatment.
Background: Sepsis, a medical emergency and life-threatening disorder, results from abnormal host response to infection that leads to acute organ dysfunction1. Sepsis is a major killer across all ages and countries and remains the most common cause of admission and death in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)2. The true incidence remains elusive and estimates of the global burden of sepsis remain a wild guess. ⋯ Better and more accurate diagnostics are needed and governments are encouraged to invest in sepsis research and care. More integrated, inclusive, and focused research is desperately needed. Public education and increased awareness among primary healthcare providers are also critical to improve sepsis outcome.