Internal medicine journal
Internal medicine journal · Apr 2012
Meta AnalysisAngiotensin-converting enzyme gene insertion/deletion polymorphism and essential hypertension in the Chinese population: a meta-analysis including 21,058 participants.
The angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) gene insertion/deletion (I/D) polymorphism has been suggested to influence susceptibility to essential hypertension (EH), but the results of many individual studies are conflicting. ⋯ In the whole Chinese population, the D allele was significantly linked with EH susceptibility. However, the relation between the I/D polymorphism and EH is still inconclusive in some national minorities and must await larger scale studies.
Internal medicine journal · Apr 2012
Initiating allopurinol therapy: do we need to know the patient's human leucocyte antigen status?
Allopurinol hypersensitivity (AH) can rarely be manifest as Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) or toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) that have high mortality rates. Less serious, but still significant, skin and systemic hypersensitivity reactions form part of the AH spectrum. One hundred per cent of Han Chinese with SJS/TEN due to allopurinol have been found to be at least heterozygous for HLA-B*5801, the carriage rate for this allele in the Han Chinese population being about 15%. The association has been found to be weaker in Caucasians whose HLA-B*5801 carriage rate is less than 6%. We examined the relationship between the different skin hypersensitivity reactions to allopurinol and the HLA-B locus in Australian patients. ⋯ Cases of AH manifesting as SJS/TENS in Australians are more likely to be in those of Asian heritage. The place of routine testing for HLA-B*5801 prior to commencing allopurinol therapy requires further investigation. However, Han Chinese origin patients commencing allopurinol might be informed of the test and may elect to have it performed as there are alternative hypouricaemic medicines, such as probenecid thereby reducing the risk of a catastrophic reaction to allopurinol.
Internal medicine journal · Apr 2012
Comparative StudyDifferences in characteristics of men with localised prostate cancer who demonstrate low, intermediate or high prostate-specific antigen velocity.
Current diagnostic tools are inadequate for reliable prediction of prostate cancer (PCa) aggressiveness in patients with localised disease. This results in many patients being exposed to potentially unnecessary invasive treatment and its associated morbidities. In order to develop appropriate treatment strategies, it is essential to understand the differences between patients who will develop aggressive disease and those who will not. ⋯ These findings highlight the role of aspirin and smoking in PCa progression. They have potential towards risk stratification as well as PCa prevention and hence need to be investigated further.
Internal medicine journal · Apr 2012
A 5-year follow up of patients discharged with non-specific abdominal pain: out of sight, out of mind?
Acute non-specific abdominal pain (NSAP) is prevalent in 6-25% of the general population and is a common cause of admission to the emergency department (ED). Despite involvement of substantial financial and human resources, there are few data on long-term outcome after initial diagnosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate long-term outcome of patients initially admitted with NSAP to an ED. ⋯ The long-term impact for patients initially admitted to our ED with acute NSAP is significant--28% of patients continue to suffer from recurring NSAP after 5 years. NSAP therefore remains, despite more advanced diagnostic tools, a true and, as yet, unsolved problem.
Internal medicine journal · Apr 2012
Immunophenotypic analysis of erythroid dysplasia and its diagnostic application in myelodysplastic syndromes.
Abnormal immunophenotypes of haematopoietic cells in myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) have been identified by flow cytometry (FCM) as a typical characteristic of myeloid dysplasia. Considering that most MDS patients show varying degrees of erythroid dysplasia, we analysed the immunophenotypic feature of erythroblasts to evaluate its diagnostic application in MDS. ⋯ Developmental defects and immune-associated factors may contribute to the erythroid dysplasia. The DI derived from ratios of CD71 and CD105 expression is a useful marker to characterise dyserythropioiesis associated with MDS and can be helpful in distinguishing it from dyerythropoiesis associated with non-clonal disorders.