Internal medicine journal
To determine local thromboprophylaxis prescribing practices following arthroplasty. ⋯ While inpatient thromboprophylaxis was routine, it generally was not continued on discharge, potentially leaving many patients exposed to a higher risk of VTE. Most cases of symptomatic VTE occurred after discharge, with the majority requiring readmission to hospital under medical units.Within the limitations of a retrospective study, these findings suggest a need for further research and discussion regarding what constitutes appropriate thromboprophylaxis (type, agent and duration) following hip or knee arthroplasty.
Internal medicine journal · Feb 2013
ReviewVancomycin therapeutics and monitoring: a contemporary approach.
Vancomycin remains a clinically useful antibiotic despite the advent of several alternative drugs. Optimising vancomycin therapy with therapeutic drug monitoring is widely recommended. The aim of therapeutic drug monitoring is to help the clinician to achieve target pharmacodynamic parameters in the case of vancomycin, an area under the concentration time curve/minimum inhibitory concentration ratio of ≥400. ⋯ The Bayesian methods offered additional advantages such as calculation of doses based on a single-serum concentration and optimisation of the patient's previous pharmacokinetic data to determine subsequent dosage regimens. Computerised programs, utilising the Bayesian estimation procedures, are able to achieve target concentrations in a greater percentage of patients earlier in the course of therapy than the empiric trough concentrations and population methods. We recommend the use of these programs providing there is appropriate expertise available to make appropriate recommendations.
Internal medicine journal · Feb 2013
Review Case ReportsTriple negative breast cancer in a male-to-female transsexual.
There is limited published literature on the risk of breast cancer in transgender patients. We report a case of an aggressive triple negative inflammatory breast cancer in a male-to-female transsexual. This patient had a complicated psychiatric history with significant antipsychotic use, and the case raises several questions about the pathogenesis of this breast cancer. The literature on breast cancer in transgender patients and in relation to hyperprolactinaemia is reviewed.
Internal medicine journal · Feb 2013
ReviewFamily refusals of registered consents: the disruption of organ donation by double-standard surrogate decision-making.
Some countries such as Australia, Spain, Norway, Italy and Canada allow next of kin to override the consent of registered organ donor candidates if they personally do not concur with the donation desire of their relative. This form of surrogate decision-making represents a double standard in terms of the principle of substituted judgment (the surrogate's duty). Further, double-standard surrogate decision-making in the setting of organ donation is a slippery slope to unethical surrogate decision-making while patients are alive. Concerns about family distress and donor candidate revocation of consent can still be managed without permitting double-standard surrogate decision-making.
Internal medicine journal · Feb 2013
Unmet needs of people with end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: recommendations for change in Australia.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is an increasing cause of mortality. However, people with COPD are unlikely to receive care that meets the needs of themselves or their carers at the end of life. ⋯ A flexible model of care is needed that assists people with COPD to navigate the health system. This should be patient centred and coordinated across primary, acute and community sectors. Neither respiratory nor palliative care services alone can adequately support people with COPD. The integration of a multidisciplinary palliative approach within a chronic disease management strategy will be central for the best care for people living with advanced COPD.