Internal medicine journal
Internal medicine journal · Feb 2013
Implementation of a clinical prediction tool for pulmonary embolism diagnosis in a tertiary teaching hospital reduces the number of computed tomography pulmonary angiograms performed.
To evaluate the effect of implementing the Wells score clinical prediction tool (CPT) on rationalising the use of computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA) for diagnosing pulmonary embolism (PE). ⋯ Institutional implementation of a clinical prediction tool into the decision-making process is feasible and significantly reduces the number of CTPA being performed, with substantial cost savings and patient benefits.
Internal medicine journal · Feb 2013
Hospitalisation of high-care residents of aged care facilities: are goals of care discussed?
Residents of residential aged care facilities (RACF) are commonly hospitalised towards the end of life. Determining the hospitalisation experiences, including the discussion of goals of treatment, is essential to best plan care including planning for end-of-life care for this population. ⋯ There were low rates of documentation of resuscitation status or family discussion for this highly vulnerable population. Neither hospitals nor community providers appear to take responsibility for future care planning. Acute hospitals could play a greater role in care planning because discussion around course of illness and goals of treatment may enhance patient management, satisfaction and reduce hospitalisations.