Internal medicine journal
Internal medicine journal · Jun 2023
Epidemiological study of multiple sclerosis in Illawarra region.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune inflammatory demyelinating disease that causes significant disabilities. Latest MS epidemiological data in Australia reveal rising prevalence. No epidemiological study of MS has been conducted so far in the Illawarra region. ⋯ The calculated MS prevalence in the Illawarra region is higher than New South Wales and the Australian average MS prevalence. Further epidemiological studies focussing on MS risk factors and other factors bearing on MS prevalence in the Illawarra region are required.
Internal medicine journal · Jun 2023
Observational StudyActivity and Outcomes of Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation in the Private Sector in Australia.
Few Australasian autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) programmes perform ASCT in the private sector. Relatively little is known about ASCT outcomes in the private sector, which varies in care delivery models to the public system. ⋯ We report excellent OS and low TRM, demonstrating the critical role of the private sector in the administration of this highly complex therapy. The Icon ASCT programme is the largest ASCT contributor in Queensland. It is inclusive of patients aged ≥70 years, demonstrating low and acceptable TRM.
Internal medicine journal · Jun 2023
Observational StudyWorkforce challenges across Victorian Medical Oncology Services.
Cancer incidence is growing, with increasing treatment options and durations. This has led to an increase workload on the current oncology workforce. The global pandemic has increased this pressure further. ⋯ The medical oncology workforce in Victoria is inadequate to meet current and future demands. This needs to be addressed urgently to avoid an adverse impact on cancer measures and quality standards. Better, standardised data collection is needed to allow for ongoing measures of workforce activity. Novel workforce solutions will also need to be implemented in the short and medium term in the face of global workforce shortages.
Internal medicine journal · Jun 2023
Comparative StudyUtilisation of immunoglobulin in New Zealand.
Immunoglobulin is an expensive and scarce resource and usage is increasing worldwide. Immunoglobulin is used to treat a variety of clinical conditions, particularly primary and acquired immunodeficiencies and immune-mediated neurological disorders. As immunoglobulin usage continues to increase, plasma collection must increase accordingly in order to sustain immunoglobulin production. The New Zealand Blood Service (NZBS) is the provider of immunoglobulin in New Zealand (NZ). Information regarding national immunoglobulin usage warrants analysis given the rise in usage. ⋯ Immunoglobulin is a strategic resource and appropriate usage is critical to regulate demand.
Internal medicine journal · Jun 2023
Substance use among vocational trainees in Australia: differences between medical specialties.
There have been few large-scale nationally representative studies on the prevalence of substance use among doctors. In addition, the association of different medical specialties with the use of different substances requires further research. ⋯ While rates of substance use and hazardous alcohol use in VT are similar, if not lower, than the general population, it poses a concern that there are higher rates of alcohol use in certain medical specialties.