Best practice & research. Clinical anaesthesiology
Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol · Jul 2021
ReviewMechanical ventilation in neurocritical care setting: A clinical approach.
Neuropatients often require invasive mechanical ventilation (MV). Ideal ventilator settings and respiratory targets in neuro patients are unclear. Current knowledge suggests maintaining protective tidal volumes of 6-8 ml/kg of predicted body weight in neuropatients. ⋯ Additionally, the weaning process from MV is particularly challenging in these patients who cannot control the brain respiratory patterns and protect airways from aspiration. Indeed, extubation failure in neuropatients is very high, while tracheostomy is needed in one-third of the patients. The aim of this manuscript is to review and describe the current management of invasive MV, weaning, and tracheostomy for the main four subpopulations of neuro patients: traumatic brain injury, acute ischemic stroke, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and intracerebral hemorrhage.
Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol · Jul 2021
ReviewDoes electroencephalographic burst suppression still play a role in the perioperative setting?
With the widespread use of electroencephalogram [EEG] monitoring during surgery or in the Intensive Care Unit [ICU], clinicians can sometimes face the pattern of burst suppression [BS]. The BS pattern corresponds to the continuous quasi-periodic alternation between high-voltage slow waves [the bursts] and periods of low voltage or even isoelectricity of the EEG signal [the suppression] and is extremely rare outside ICU and the operative room. BS can be secondary to increased anesthetic depth or a marker of cerebral damage, as a therapeutic endpoint [i.e., refractory status epilepticus or refractory intracranial hypertension]. In this review, we report the neurophysiological features of BS to better define its role during intraoperative and critical care settings.
Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol · Jul 2021
ReviewRole of anaesthesia in neurosurgical enhanced recovery programmes.
The application of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) in neurosurgical practice is a relatively new concept. A limited number of studies involving ERAS protocols within neurosurgery, specifically for elective craniotomy, have been published, contrary to the ERAS spine surgery pathways that are now promoted by numerous national and international dedicated surgical societies and hospitals. In this review, we want to present the patient surgical journey from an anaesthesia perspective through the key components that can be included in the ERAS pathways for neurosurgical procedures, both craniotomies and major spine surgery.
Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol · Jul 2021
ReviewNoninvasive neuromonitoring in the operating room and its role in the prevention of delirium.
Delirium is a frequent and serious complication after surgery. It has a variable incidence between 20% and 40% with the highest incidence in elderly people undergoing major or cardiac surgery. The development of postoperative delirium (POD) is associated with increased hospital stay lengths, morbidity, the need for home care, and mortality. ⋯ Another noninvasive monitoring technique is NIRS for cerebral tissue hypoxia detection by measuring regional oxygen saturation. The reduction of this parameter does not seem to be associated with the development of POD but with postoperative cognitive dysfunction. There are few studies in the literature and with conflicting results on the use of the pupillometer and transcranial Doppler in predicting the development of postoperative delirium.
Dexmedetomidine can be used for sedation and analgesia and has been approved for this use by the European Medicines Agency since 2017. It causes an arousable state of sedation, which is beneficial during neurosurgical procedures that require the patient to cooperate with neurological tests (i.e. tumor surgery or implantation of deep brain stimulators). ⋯ The use of dexmedetomidine has also been associated with neuroprotective effects and a decreased incidence of delirium, but studies confirming these effects in the peri-operative (neuro-)surgical setting are lacking. Although dexmedetomidine does not cause respiratory depression, its hemodynamic effects are complex and careful patient selection, choice of dose, and monitoring must be performed.