Best practice & research. Clinical obstetrics & gynaecology
In the last 20 years, in developed countries, maternal mortality rates have fallen such that analysis of cases of severe maternal morbidity is necessary to provide sufficient numbers to give a clinically relevant assessment of the standard of maternal care. Different approaches to the audit of severe maternal morbidity exist, and include need for intensive care, organ system dysfunction and clinically defined morbidities. ⋯ The death to severe morbidity ratio may reflect the standard of maternal care. Audits of severe maternal morbidity should be complementary to maternal mortality reviews.
Whether seeing a patient in the ambulatory clinic environment, performing a delivery or managing a critically ill patient, obstetric care is a team activity. Failures in teamwork and communication are among the leading causes of adverse obstetric events, accounting for over 70% of sentinel events according to the Joint Commission. ⋯ Given the complexity and acuity of critical care medicine, which often relies on more than one medical team, teamwork skills are essential. This chapter discusses the history and importance of teamwork in high-reliability fields, reviews key concepts and skills in teamwork, and discusses approaches to training and working in teams.
High-profile inquiries in several countries have helped to raise public awareness of safety issues and driven policy change. In obstetric critical care, various publications have highlighted organizational factors, communication, absence of guidelines, failure to follow local protocols, poor documentation and delay in identifying the deteriorating woman as issues. ⋯ The principles of risk management and its various components can be used to make improvements. A framework to achieve this is as follows: building a safety culture; leading and supporting staff; integrating risk management activity; promoting reporting; involving and communicating with patients and the public; learning and sharing safety lessons; and implementing solutions to prevent harm.
Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol · Oct 2008
ReviewMultidisciplinary training in obstetric critical care.
Once identified, the critically ill obstetric patient will often fare well. Unfortunately, several recent publications show that many such patients are not identified and come to harm. Training for those caring for pregnant women has changed in recent years. ⋯ Other medical staff (anaesthetists, intensivists) may have experience of critical care in non-pregnant patients, but may be less aware of physiological changes of pregnancy that can affect how these patients are managed. The best way to address these issues is with multidisciplinary training, as highlighted in 'Safer Childbirth' and 'Saving Mothers Lives'. Such training allows each team member to understand his/her role and that of each of the other disciplines involved.