Orvostörténeti közlemények
Biography Historical Article
[Dostoevsky's epileptic experiences and his descriptions of epilepsy in the mirror of modern neurology].
The aim of the study is to present Fyodor Mihailovich Dostoevsky's epilepsy through the results of the related historical and contemporary medical literature, further, to show how the illness is reflected in the writer's biographical data and in the famous patient characters displayed in his great romans. Nowadays it is well presumed that the writer could have had temporal lobe epilepsy with secondary generalized seizures, the symptoms of which he by no means was producing throughout his life. ⋯ This theme has been widely dealt with by neurologists, epileptologists and literary experts all over the world. Author details the literature research, the related works and establishes her own concept concerning Dostoevsky's epilepsy.
Biography Historical Article
[József Brandt, school-founding professor of surgery -- for the centennary of his death].
The present article outlines the biography of the great Transylvanian surgeon József Brandt and appraises his professional work. After his medical training in Vienna and specialisation in surgery Brandt returned to Kolozsvár (now: Cluj/Romania) in 1867 to teach surgery and ophthalmology at the Medical-Surgical Institute of this town. As soon as the Royal Hungarian University in Kolozsvár was opened in 1872, Brandt was appointed as professor of the Department of Surgery. ⋯ Brandt was the first to perform successful ovariectomy in Transylvania (1869), and the second in Europe who performed nephrectomy (1873). He accepted Lister's antiseptic theory; in 1890 the university sent him to Berlin to study Koch's vaccine. The Appendix of the present article lists Brandt's assistants and students.