Journal of clinical orthopaedics and trauma
J Clin Orthop Trauma · May 2020
ReviewWorking through the COVID-19 outbreak: Rapid review and recommendations for MSK and allied heath personnel.
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has caused the world to undergo unprecedented change in a short space of time. This disease has devastated the economy, infringed personal freedom, and has taken a toll on healthcare systems worldwide. This review aims to highlight aspects of this pandemic with a specific emphasis on musculoskeletal work within the secondary care setting.
J Clin Orthop Trauma · May 2020
Impact of COVID 19 lockdown on orthopaedic surgeons in India: A survey.
In the fight against COVID 19, the government of India announced a 3 weeks lockdown of the entire country of 1.3 billion people on 24th March 2020. ⋯ diagnostic level 4.
J Clin Orthop Trauma · May 2020
Demographics, mechanism of injury, and associated injuries of 25,615 patients with talus fractures in the National Trauma Data Bank.
Extensive research has been conducted concerning the epidemiology of fractures of the calcaneus and ankle. However, less work has characterized the population sustaining talus fractures, necessitating the analysis of a large, national sample to assess the presentation of this important injury. ⋯ Level II, retrospective study.
J Clin Orthop Trauma · May 2020
Use of a custom website by orthopaedic sports medicine surgical patients: If you build it, will they come?
Internet use is nearly ubiquitous, and orthopaedic patients are increasingly utilizing the Internet for medical information. The quality of resources available to patients is variable, and patients may benefit from physician guidance. A recent study showed only 11% of orthopaedic trauma patients accessed a custom-designed website developed by a physician. The purpose of this study was to determine whether orthopaedic sports medicine patients would use a custom-designed website and what factors would be associated with website use. ⋯ Orthopaedic sports medicine surgical patients are more likely to use a custom-designed informational website than orthopaedic trauma patients. However, only 31% of sports medicine patients accessed the website. Inherent differences between groups may account for the differences in website use. Higher level of education is predictive of website use, as is ACL reconstruction for knee surgery patients. Physicians should work to direct patients to high quality Internet resources given the vast amount of potentially unreliable information available.