The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society
Randomized Controlled Trial
Knowledge transfer in family physicians managing patients with acute low back pain: a prospective randomized control trial.
The process through which new scientific developments are incorporated into clinical practice is referred to as "knowledge transfer" and is currently the subject of great interest in many areas of clinical medicine. Family physicians managing patients with acute low back pain have been shown to have a poor overall rate of concordance with clinical practice guideline-recommended treatments. New methods need to be developed to help physicians bridge the guideline implementation gap. ⋯ A knowledge transfer method that involved patient-specific, physician-to-physician communication to family physicians or their patients at three stages of the patient's clinical course was largely unsuccessful in improving concordance with guideline treatment recommendations.
Depression is a common co-morbidity for patients with complaints of spinal pain, yet often goes undiagnosed in clinical practice. Depressed patients who are not identified do not receive a referral or recommendation for treatments that may help ease their total illness burden. Relative to the total outcomes of spine care this may increase costs, decrease overall functional outcomes, and limit patient satisfaction. Some spine care settings track functional outcomes using a general health status survey. Although a specific and reliable survey to detect depression could be employed, an additional survey would unnecessarily increase responder and analyst burdens if the general health status survey could be used instead. ⋯ The SF-36 provides the benefits of a general functional health status measure and additionally appears to provide a screening tool for depressive symptoms. A cutoff score of 35 or less on the MCS scale has a high degree of sensitivity and specificity and is able to identify depressive symptoms in patients with back pain, which can help identify patients who will benefit from mental health treatments.
There are no published studies on the relationship between total disc replacement (TDR) motion and the development of adjacent level degeneration (ALD). Because prevention of ALD is the underlying justification for TDR, studies investigating the validity of this concept are essential. ⋯ At 8.7-year follow-up, the prevalence of ALD after TDR is higher in patients with motion less than 5 degrees. The presence of ALD had no significant effect on clinical outcome, but the sample size was small. These data suggest that patients with significant ROM after lumbar TDR may have reduced risk for radiographic ALD.
Brucellosis can affect the musculoskeletal system, and bony involvement ranges from 2% to 70% in the literature. Spinal brucellosis is generally localized to the sacroiliac region; thoracic brucellosis is rarely seen. ⋯ Early aggressive debridement and stabilization together with medical treatment, especially in the elderly and immunocompromised patients, would be the most beneficial treatment for eradication of pathology.