The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society
The incidence of proximal junctional kyphosis (PJK) ranges from 5% to 46% following adult spinal deformity surgery. Approximately 66% to 76% of PJK occurs within 3 months of surgery. A subset of these patients, reportedly 26% to 47%, develop proximal junctional failure (PJF) within 6 months postoperatively. To date, there are no studies evaluating the impact of prophylactic vertebroplasty on PJK and PJF incidence at long-term follow-up. ⋯ This long-term follow-up demonstrates that prophylactic vertebroplasty may minimize the risk for junctional failure in the early postoperative period. However, it does not appear to decrease the incidence of PJK at 5 years.
Although lumbar spinal stenosis often presents as a degenerative condition (degenerative stenosis [DS]), some patients present with symptoms from lifelong narrowing of the spinal canal. These patients have congenital stenosis (CS) and present with symptoms of stenosis at a younger age. Patients with CS often have a distinct pathophysiology with fewer degenerative changes but present with multilevel involvement. In the setting of neurologic symptoms, decompression alone while preserving stability has been proposed for both patient populations. ⋯ Patients with CS and patients with DS respond well to decompression alone, without a supplemental fusion, despite differences in pain experience and presentation. The localization of pathology requiring decompression is similar. The patients with DS were more susceptible to require another operation resulting in a fusion, which confirms the theory that initial microinstability can progress in DS, but is likely not part of the disease process in CS. At just over 2 years after decompression, patients with CS may not need to be treated by a fusion in the setting of lower back pain; however, longer-term follow up is necessary to further assess these outcomes.
Minimally invasive spine surgery has become increasingly popular in clinical practice, and it offers patients the potential benefits of reduced blood loss, wound pain, and infection risk, and it also diminishes the loss of working time and length of hospital stay. However, surgeons require more intraoperative fluoroscopy and ionizing radiation exposure during minimally invasive spine surgery for localization, especially for guidance in instrumentation placement. In addition, computer navigation is not accessible in some facility-limited institutions. ⋯ This method avoids lateral shots of fluoroscopy during screw placement and thus decreases the operation time and exposes surgeons to less radiation. At the same time, compared with the computer-navigated procedure, it is less facility-demanding, and provides satisfactory reliability and accuracy.
Review Comparative Study
Intraoperative image guidance compared with free-hand methods in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis posterior spinal surgery: a systematic review on screw-related complications and breach rates.
Severe adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is a three-dimensional spinal deformity requiring surgery to stop curve progression. Posterior spinal instrumentation and fusion with pedicle screws is the standard surgery for AIS curve correction. Vascular and neurologic complications related to screw malpositioning are concerns in surgeries for AIS. Breach rates are reported at 15.7%, implant-related complications at 1.1%, and neurologic deficit at 0.8%. Free-hand screw insertion remains the prevailing method of screw placement, whereas image guidance has been suggested to improve placement accuracy. ⋯ Although point estimates on breach rates are decreased with CT navigation compared with free-hand methods, complication rates remain conflicting between the two methods. Current evidence is limited by small sample sizes, lack of comparison groups, and poorly predefined complications. Randomized controlled trials with larger samples with standardized definitions and recording of predefined breach and complication occurrences are recommended.
Comparative Study
The use of a novel perfusion-based cadaveric simulation model with cerebrospinal fluid reconstitution comparing dural repair techniques: a pilot study.
Watertight dural repair is crucial for both incidental durotomy and closure after intradural surgery. ⋯ We described the feasibility of using a novel cadaveric model for both the study and training of watertight dural closure techniques. 6-0 Prolene was observed to be superior to 4-0 Nurolon for watertight dural closure without a hydrogel sealant. The use of a hydrogel sealant significantly improved watertight dural closures for both 6-0 Prolene and 4-0 Nurolon groups in the cadaveric model.