Pain practice : the official journal of World Institute of Pain
Two important groups of disorders result from an insufficient blood supply to the extremities: critical vascular disease and the Raynaud's phenomenon. The latter can be subdivided into a primary and a secondary type. Critical ischemic disease is often caused by arteriosclerosis due to hypertension or diabetes. ⋯ In view of the degree of invasiveness and the costs involved, this treatment should preferably be applied in the context of a study and with the use of transcutaneous pO(2) measurements. In case of primary Raynaud's, life style changes are the first step. Sympathectomy can be considered as a treatment of Raynaud's phenomenon (2C+), but only after multidisciplinary evaluation of the patient and in close consultation with the patient's rheumatologist, vascular surgeon or internist.
Pain in patients with cancer can be refractory to pharmacological treatment or intolerable side effects of pharmacological treatment may seriously disturb patients' quality of life. Specific interventional pain management techniques can be an effective alternative for those patients. The appropriate application of these interventional techniques provides better pain control, allows the reduction of analgesics and hence improves quality of life. ⋯ Pelvic pain due to cancer can be managed with plexus hypogastricus block and the saddle or lower end block may be a last resort for patients suffering with perineal pain. Back pain due to vertebral compression fractures with or without pathological tumor invasion may be managed with percutaneous vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty. All these interventional techniques should be a part of multidisciplinary patient program.
The Pain Anxiety Symptoms Scale (PASS) was developed to measure fear and anxiety responses to pain. Many studies have found associations between PASS scores and self-report measures of pain, anxiety, and disability as well as among inhibited movement patterns and activity avoidance behaviors (eg, kinesophobia). This study aimed to identify clinically meaningful cut-off points to identify high or low levels of pain anxiety and to determine if the PASS provides additional useful information in a functional restoration (FR) treatment program for chronic disabling occupational musculoskeletal disorder (CDOMD) patients. ⋯ The PASS is elevated when other measures of psychosocial distress are also elevated. However, the PASS fails to discriminate between different indices of depression and anxiety and it is not highly related to 1-year outcomes in a CDOMD cohort. If time and resources are limited, a different measure of psychosocial distress that does relate to socioeconomic outcomes might be a better option in a CDOMD evaluation process.
Pulsed radiofrequency treatment has been described as a nonablative alternative to radiofrequency thermocoagulation for the management of certain chronic pain syndromes. We present our first three patients with long-standing cluster headaches who were treated with pulsed radiofrequency to the sphenopalatine ganglion. All three patients have had cluster headaches for more than 10 years' duration and experienced minimal relief with conservative treatment. ⋯ Quantitative sensory testing consisting of allodynia testing, pressure-pain thresholds, electrical pain thresholds, and conditioned pain modulation (CPM) response testing were used to monitor their sensory processing changes before and after the procedure. From this case series, it might be that cluster headache patients with an impaired CPM response with or without signs of allodynia will respond less favorably to interventional treatment. Further studies are required to validate this hypothesis.