Pain practice : the official journal of World Institute of Pain
Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of the medial branch nerves that innervate the facet joints is a well-established treatment modality; however, studies to determine the optimal radiofrequency ablation temperature are lacking. A wide range (70 to 90°C) has been used. This study aimed to compare outcomes with two set temperatures for the lumbar facet medial branch ablation, 90 and 80°C. ⋯ There seems to be significant functional improvement associated with temp of 90°C compared to 80°C, with no added risk of complications. Randomized controlled studies are warranted.
To estimate all-cause healthcare resource utilization and costs among chronic pain patients within an integrated healthcare delivery system in the United States. ⋯ Chronic pain conditions impose a substantial burden on the healthcare system, with musculoskeletal conditions associated with the highest overall costs. Costs appeared to be primarily related to use of outpatient services. This type of research supports integrated delivery systems as a source for assessing opportunities to improve patient outcomes and lower the costs for chronic pain patients.
Vagally mediated heart rate variability (vmHRV) is widely respected as a psychophysiological measure of emotion regulation capacity and serves as a readily available index of executive brain areas that exert an inhibitory influence on subcortical structures. Pain catastrophizing (PC) is conceptualized as the tendency to misinterpret and exaggerate pain-related situations that may be threatening. Chronic pain patients show lower vmHRV and higher PC. ⋯ Patients with WAD showed lower vmHRV, indexed by high-frequency HRV (effect size, Cohen's d = 0.442), and greater PC (d = 0.815). Zero-order and partial correlations controlling for age and sex revealed that vmHRV and PC are inversely related. The results provide evidence for a psychophysiological mechanism underlying PC, in particular in chronic pain patients.
Patients with persistent somatoform pain disorder (PSPD) suffer from long-term pain and emotional conflicts. Recently, accumulating evidence indicated that emotion has a significant role in pain perception of somatoform pain disorder. ⋯ Moreover, patients with PSPD consistently showed hyperactivities in the prefrontal, the fusiform gyrus and the insula in response to negative stimuli under pinprick pain vs. non-pain condition. The current findings provide some insights into the underlying relationship between emotion and pain-related brain activity in patients with PSPD, which is of both theoretical and clinical importance.
The purpose of this study was to investigate cross-sectional associations of pain self-efficacy and fear of movement with pain intensity and disability in Italian patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP). One hundred and three adult outpatients with nonspecific CLBP were included in the study. Socio-demographic and clinical characteristics were assessed, together with Italian versions of self-reported questionnaires to measure the four constructs of interest. ⋯ Pain self-efficacy and fear of movement are very similarly associated with main outcomes in this sample of Italian patients with CLBP. The results of this study suggest that both psychosocial constructs should be considered in clinical management. Future studies should investigate whether these findings can be replicated in other samples, in longitudinal designs and if other variables not measured in this study confound the associations.