Pain practice : the official journal of World Institute of Pain
Multicenter Study Observational Study
Effectiveness and Safety of Intrathecal Ziconotide: Interim Analysis of the Patient Registry of Intrathecal Ziconotide Management (PRIZM).
The Patient Registry of Intrathecal Ziconotide Management (PRIZM) evaluated long-term effectiveness, safety, and tolerability of intrathecal ziconotide treatment in clinical practice. ⋯ Greater improvements in efficacy outcomes were observed when ziconotide was initiated as first-line intrathecal therapy vs. not first intrathecal agent in pump. The adverse event profile was consistent with the ziconotide prescribing information.
Good adherence to prescribed analgesics can be crucial to suppress or even prevent acute postoperative pain after day surgery. The aim of this study was to analyze prevalence and predictors of analgesic nonadherence after day surgery. ⋯ Analgesic nonadherence and partial adherence are common after day surgery but decrease as average pain intensity increases. Patients at risk for analgesic nonadherence can be identified during the preoperative period based on preoperative pain intensity, preoperative expectations of pain, and fear of surgery.
Case Reports
Four Extremity Neurostimulation Using Two Cervical octapolar leads and high-frequency of 10-kHz.
A few published reports describe successful clinical use of low-frequency spinal cord stimulation (SCS) in the cervical spine resulting in bilateral upper and lower extremity pain relief. A major side-effect when using this modality of SCS is the uneven intensity of paresthesias, which are frequently excessive in upper extremities while attempting to achieve optimal paresthesia coverage in all 4 extremities. ⋯ Here we describe a successful case of high-frequency SCS at 10 kHz where profound control of neuropathic pain of all 4 extremities was achieved without the complication of paresthesias. Discussed are future implications of such therapy.
There is a growing interest in the role of disturbed body perception in people with persistent pain problems such as chronic low back pain (CLBP). A questionnaire, the Fremantle Back Awareness Questionnaire (FreBAQ), was recently developed as a simple and quick way of assessing disturbed perceptual awareness of the back in people with CLBP and appears to have acceptable psychometric properties. The aim of the present study was to develop a Japanese version of the FreBAQ (FreBAQ-J) and evaluate its psychometric properties in a sample of Japanese people with low back pain (LBP). ⋯ The FreBAQ-J has acceptable psychometric properties and is suitable for use in people with LBP. Participants with high levels of disturbed body perception are well targeted by the scale. The functioning of one item (item 8) was poor. Further study is warranted to confirm if this item should be excluded.
Clinical Trial
Stimulation of the L2-L3 Dorsal Root Ganglia Induces Effective Pain Relief in the Low Back.
Chronic low back pain affects millions of people worldwide and can arise through a variety of clinical origins. In the case of failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS), previous surgical procedures can contribute to low back pain that is often unresponsive to intervention. Although spinal cord stimulation (SCS) can be an effective treatment modality, it does not provide sufficient pain relief for some intractable cases. Recently, alternative neuromodulation options have been developed, including dorsal root ganglion (DRG) stimulation. The objective of this report is to further investigate these clinical observations. ⋯ For the studied population, DRG stimulation at the L2-L3 levels was effective at relieving low back pain. These reductions in pain were associated with improvements in quality of life. Thus, DRG stimulation at these levels may be effective for low back pain by recruiting both segmental and nonsegmental neural pathways that are not otherwise accessible via traditional SCS.