Pain practice : the official journal of World Institute of Pain
Review Meta Analysis Comparative Study
A systematic review and network meta-analysis comparing different epidural steroid injection approaches.
Low back pain (LBP) and lumbosacral radiculopathy are frequent disorders that cause nerve root injury, resulting in a variety of symptoms ranging from loss of sensation to loss of motor function depending on the degree of nerve compression. ⋯ TF was the most effective steroid injection approach. In decreasing VAS for short-term PIL and TF were the most significant approaches, but TF was the most effective approach in decreasing VAS for the long term. Also, TF was the most effective approach in decreasing ODI for the long term.
Severe and treatment-resistant pain is a major issue for patients with cancer. Cordotomy is an effective approach for addressing severe cancer-related pain. It is based on blocking the transmission of pain by damaging the lateral spinothalamic tract. ⋯ We believe that CT-guided cordotomy, performed by experienced hands in a team of experienced individuals and applied to the right patients, is an effective treatment. However, it is crucial to exercise extreme caution regarding potential side effects and serious complications during the cordotomy procedure.
Observational Study
Effect of spinal cord stimulation on quality of life and opioid consumption in patients with failed back surgery syndrome.
Failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) is a constellation of conditions occurring after spine surgeries, characterized by the presence of persistent or recurring low back pain that has a significant impact on patients' quality of life. Neuromodulation in the form of Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) is considered an indispensable treatment modality in the management of certain chronic pain conditions and it is showing good results for improvement in pain scores and functional capacity of the FBSS patients. ⋯ Spinal cord stimulation is an effective modality of treatment for cases of failed back surgery syndrome with a statistically significant reduction in pain scores and a significant improvement in quality of life. Also, it achieves a recognizable reduction in opioid analgesic medications, with a reliable safety profile as detected with the recorded post-procedure complications. However, randomized controlled trials with more patients and long-term follow-up are highly recommended.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had substantial impacts for both people using pain services and healthcare professionals delivering them. While the effects on service users have been studied, less is known about the effects for service providers. This study aimed to assess the impact of the pandemic on providers and the evolving role of telemedicine in treatment. ⋯ Although provider worry and disruption to delivery of pain services decreased during the second year of COVID-19 pandemic, waiting times for appointments continued to lengthen. The pandemic has hastened the adoption of telemedicine in pain services and plans to continue telehealth services seem common.