Pain practice : the official journal of World Institute of Pain
Cervicogenic headache is mainly characterized by unilateral headache symptoms which arise from the neck radiating to the fronto-temporal and possibly to the supra-orbital region. Physical examination to find evidence of a disorder known to be a valid cause of headache encompasses movement tests of the cervical spinal column and segmental palpation of the cervical facet joints and soft tissues of the neck. ⋯ In the case of an unsatisfactory outcome after injection of the nervus occipitalis major, radiofrequency treatment of the ramus medialis (medial branch) of the cervical ramus dorsalis can be considered (2 B+/-). If the result is unsatisfactory pulsed radiofrequency treatment of the ganglion spinale (dorsal root ganglion) of C2 and/or C3 can be considered in a study context (O).
The objectives of this study are (1) to describe Lithuanian cancer patients' barriers to pain management as well as pain management outcomes, (2) to check the reliability and validity of the questionnaires used in Lithuanian for the first time, and (3) to formulate patient-centered recommendations for better cancer pain management. ⋯ The authors believe, that to improve cancer pain management in Lithuania (1) more attention should be paid to psychological status of patients, (2) patients should be more educated about the need and consequences of opioid use for cancer pain, and (3) adherence to pain management regimens should be improved.
This case report describes an ultrasound approach to the transversus abdominis plane (TAP) local anesthetic block. This block induces sensory blockade in the lower half of the abdomen where the pulse generator or the infusion pump is to be housed in a subcutaneous pocket, and therefore provides an alternate to general anesthesia or administration of high-dose local anesthetics. ⋯ TAP block can be a potentially useful substitute to general anesthesia or local anesthesia for the pocket formation in neuromodulation techniques, and it provides adequate anesthesia of the abdominal wall. This block is potentially an important addition to the monitored anesthesia care protocol.
Occipital neuralgia is defined as a paroxysmal shooting or stabbing pain in the dermatomes of the nervus occipitalis major and/or nervus occipitalis minor. The pain originates in the suboccipital region and radiates over the vertex. A suggestive history and clinical examination with short-term pain relief after infiltration with local anesthetic confirm the diagnosis. ⋯ There is no evidence to support pulsed radio-frequency treatment of the ganglion spinale C2 (dorsal root ganglion). As such, this should only be done in a clinical trial setting. Subcutaneous occipital nerve stimulation can be considered if prior therapy with corticosteroid infiltration or pulsed radio-frequency treatment failed or provided only short-term relief (2 C+).
Whiplash-associated disorders are comprised of a range of symptoms of which neck complaints and headaches are the most significant spine related. In the acute and sub-acute stage of the disorder, conservative treatment for minimally 6 months is recommended, active mobilization is slightly better than passive treatment. ⋯ The available evidence for injection of Botulinum toxin A (2 B-) and intra-articular corticosteroid injections (2 C-) supports a negative recommendation. Radiofrequency treatment of the ramus medialis (medial branch) of the ramus dorsalis is recommended (2 B+).