Articles: analgesics.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Aug 2001
Meta AnalysisEfficacy and safety of patient-controlled opioid analgesia for acute postoperative pain. A quantitative systematic review.
The usefulness of intravenous patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) with opioids for postoperative analgesia is not well defined. ⋯ These trials provide some evidence that in the postoperative pain setting, PCA with opioids, compared with conventional opioid treatment, improve analgesia and decrease the risk of pulmonary complications, and that patients prefer them.
Withholding administration of narcotic analgesia in patients with acute abdominal pain for fear of masking pathology is still pervasive in current medical practice. We reviewed all the prospective trials that investigated the safety, adverse affects, and ultimate outcome in patients with acute abdominal pain receiving narcotic analgesia within the emergency department (ED). No adverse outcomes or delays in diagnosis could be attributed to the administration of analgesia. Based on this research, we propose that it is safe and humane to administer narcotic pain relief to patients presenting to the ED with acute abdominal pain provided no contraindications exist.
Meta Analysis
Pharmacological control of opioid-induced pruritus: a quantitative systematic review of randomized trials.
Numerous drugs have been used to prevent or to treat opioid-induced pruritus in the surgical setting. Their relative efficacy is not well understood. ⋯ Naloxone, naltrexone, nalbuphine and droperidol are efficacious in the prevention of opioid-induced pruritus; minimal effective doses remain unknown. There is a lack of valid data on the efficacy of interventions for the treatment of established pruritus.
Anesthesia progress · Jan 2001
Randomized Controlled Trial Meta Analysis Clinical TrialTramadol and acetaminophen tablets for dental pain.
The purpose of this work was to compare the efficacy and time to analgesia of a new tramadol/acetaminophen combination tablet to those of tramadol or acetaminophen (APAP) alone. A meta-analysis was performed of 3 separate single-dose, double-blind, parallel-group trials in patients with moderate or severe pain following extraction of 2 or more third molars. Patients in each study were evenly randomized to a single dose of tramadol/APAP (75 mg/650 mg), tramadol 75 mg, APAP 650 mg, ibuprofen 400 mg, or placebo. ⋯ Median time to supplemental analgesia and mean overall assessment of efficacy were greater (P < .05) for the tramadol/APAP group (302 minutes and 3.0, respectively) than for the tramadol (122 minutes and 2.0) or APAP (183 minutes and 2.7) monotherapy groups. A new combination analgesic, tramadol/APAP, is superior to tramadol or APAP alone with respect to pain relief and duration of action. It is also superior to tramadol alone with respect to time to onset.
Meta Analysis Comparative Study
A search for sex differences in response to analgesia.
It is generally accepted that males and females respond differently to painful conditions. With few exceptions, according to the published literature, females demonstrate a lower pain threshold and a lower tolerance of painful stimuli. There is some support in the literature that females experience greater analgesic efficacy than do males after the administration of narcotic analgesics. We compared the analgesic response of females and males to ibuprofen in a post-third-molar extraction dental pain model. ⋯ Our results demonstrated no sex effect on the analgesic response to ibuprofen. These results were obtained under the post-third-molar extraction setting, in which the least possible confounding factors are present. To fully establish the generality of this phenomenon, studies should be carried out in other pain models and using analgesic medications with different mechanisms of action. Arch Intern Med. 2000;160:3424-3428.