Articles: analgesics.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Randomised crossover trial of transdermal fentanyl and sustained release oral morphine for treating chronic non-cancer pain.
To compare patients' preference for transdermal fentanyl or sustained release oral morphine, their level of pain control, and their quality of life after treatment. ⋯ Transdermal fentanyl was preferred to sustained release oral morphine by patients with chronic non-cancer pain previously treated with opioids. The main reason for preference was better pain relief, achieved with less constipation and an enhanced quality of life.
Anesthesia and analgesia · May 2001
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Clinical TrialProlonged epidural infusions of ropivacaine (2 mg/mL) after colonic surgery: the impact of adding fentanyl.
We evaluated the safety and efficacy of a 72-h epidural infusion of ropivacaine and measured the impact of adding fentanyl 2 microg/mL to the required infusion rate, on the quality of postoperative pain relief and the incidence of side effects, after colonic surgery. One hundred fifty-five patients scheduled for elective colonic surgery were randomized in this trial. Epidural infusions of ropivacaine 2 mg/mL with fentanyl 2 microg/mL (R + F) and without fentanyl (R) were commenced during surgery and continued for 72 h postoperatively. This was a prospective, randomized, double-blinded, multi-center trial. The median infusion rate required was less in the R + F group (9.3 vs 11.5 mL/h, P < 0.001). Median pain scores at rest and on coughing were lower in the R + F group (P < 0.0001). The incidence of hypotension was more in the R + F group (P = 0.01). Time to readiness for discharge was delayed in the R + F group (median 6.6 vs 5.5 days, P = 0.012). The addition of fentanyl to ropivacaine resulted in decreased infusion rates and enhanced pain control; however, adverse effects were increased and readiness to discharge was delayed. ⋯ Epidural infusions of ropivacaine with and without fentanyl were administered to patients to control pain after colonic surgery. Patients who received ropivacaine with fentanyl had better pain control, increased side effects, and delayed readiness to discharge. This study questions the value of adding opioids to epidural infusions of local anesthetics.
Multicenter Study Clinical Trial
Nefazodone for chronic daily headache prophylaxis: an open-label study.
To assess effectiveness, tolerability, and safety of nefazodone as a prophylactic agent for chronic daily headache. ⋯ These results provide preliminary support for the efficacy of nefazodone in the prophylaxis of chronic daily headache. In this sample, nefazodone was safe and generally well tolerated. Patient ratings of sexual function improved over the course of treatment, in contrast to what is generally observed with most antidepressants. Nefazodone may be particularly beneficial for patients with chronic daily headache and comorbid depression. Further research is indicated.
Anesthesia and analgesia · May 2001
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Clinical TrialThe efficacy and resource utilization of remifentanil and fentanyl in fast-track coronary artery bypass graft surgery: a prospective randomized, double-blinded controlled, multi-center trial.
We compared (a) the perioperative complications; (b) times to eligibility for, and actual time of the following: extubation, less intense monitoring, intensive care unit (ICU), and hospital discharge; and (c) resource utilization of nursing ratio for patients receiving either a typical fentanyl/isoflurane/propofol regimen or a remifentanil/isoflurane/propofol regimen for fast-track cardiac anesthesia in 304 adults by using a prospective randomized, double-blinded, double-dummy trial. There were no differences in demographic data, or perioperative mortality and morbidity between the two study groups. The mini-mental status examination at postoperative Days 1 to 3 were similar between the two groups. The eligible and actual times for extubation, less intense monitoring, ICU discharge, and hospital discharge were not significantly different. Further analyses revealed no differences in times for extubation and resource utilization after stratification by preoperative risk scores, age, and country. The nurse/patient ratio was similar between the remifentanil/isoflurane/propofol and fentanyl/isoflu-rane/propofol groups during the initial ICU phase and less intense monitoring phase. Increasing preoperative risk scores and older age (>70 yr) were associated with longer times until extubation (eligible), ICU discharge (eligible and actual), and hospital discharge (eligible and actual). Times until extubation (eligible and actual) and less intense monitoring (eligible) were significantly shorter in Canadian patients than United States' patients. However, there was no difference in hospital length of stay in Canadian and United States' patients. We conclude that both anesthesia techniques permit early and similar times until tracheal extubation, less intense monitoring, ICU and hospital discharge, and reduced resource utilization after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. ⋯ An ultra-short opioid technique was compared with a standard fast-track small-dose opioid technique in coronary artery bypass graft patients in a prospective randomized, double-blinded controlled study. The postoperative recovery and resource utilization, including stratification of preoperative risk score, age, and country, were analyzed.
J Bone Joint Surg Am · Apr 2001
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Clinical TrialA randomized trial of controlled-release oxycodone during inpatient rehabilitation following unilateral total knee arthroplasty.
Reliance on "as-needed" analgesia following total knee arthroplasty may lead to inadequate control of pain and delayed recovery of function. Preemptive use of controlled-release opioids may improve pain control, accelerate recovery, and reduce the need for inpatient rehabilitative services. This study was designed to determine whether controlled-release opioids enhance post-arthroplasty pain control and facilitate functional recovery during rehabilitation. ⋯ Preemptive use of controlled-release oxycodone during rehabilitation following total knee arthroplasty leads to improved pain control, more rapid functional recovery, and a reduced need for inpatient rehabilitative services.