Articles: analgesics.
Multicenter Study Observational Study
Incidence and risk factors for epidural morphine induced pruritus in parturients receiving cesarean section: A prospective multicenter observational study.
This study is designed to clarify the incidence of epidural morphine induced pruritus (EMIP) in Chinese Han and Tibetan parturients after cesarean section (CS) and to identify the correlated risk factors. This is a prospective multicenter observational study. Follow-up evaluations were performed at 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, and 48 hours after morphine administration. ⋯ In conclusion, EMIP incidence in our study was 18.6%. Positive medical history of allergy and not using serotonin receptor antagonist were potential risk factors of EMIP development. Trial registration: ChiCTR-OPC-17012345.
Multicenter Study
Predictors of Prolonged Opioid Use Following Colectomy.
The United States is in the middle of an opioid epidemic. Gastrointestinal surgery has been ranked in the top 3 surgical subspecialties for highest opioid prescribing. ⋯ Una proporción significativa de pacientes con colectomía se convierten en usuarios prolongados de opioides. Hemos identificado factores de riesgo para el uso prolongado de opioides postoperatorios, que pueden permitir una mejor educación del paciente y objetivos para la intervención preoperatoria, así como la implementación de programas para la supervisión y cese del uso de opioides en el período postoperatorio. Vea el Video de Resumen en
Multicenter Study Observational Study
Validation of the Withdrawal Assessment Tool-1 in Adult Intensive Care Patients.
The Withdrawal Assessment Tool-1 (WAT-1) has been validated for assessing iatrogenic withdrawal syndrome in critically ill children receiving mechanical ventilation, but little is known about this syndrome in critically ill adults. ⋯ Despite showing reliability, the WAT-1 is not a valid tool for assessing the presence of iatrogenic withdrawal syndrome in adults.
Multicenter Study
Staff and Clinician Work-Life Perceptions after Implementing Systems-Based Improvements to Opioid Management.
The Six Building Blocks Program is an evidence-based approach to primary care redesign for opioid management among patients with chronic pain. This analysis assesses the impact of implementing the Six Building Blocks on the work-life of primary care providers and staff. ⋯ Clinicians and staff reported improvement in their work-life after implementing the Six Building Blocks Program to improve opioid medication management. Further research is needed on patient experiences specific to practice redesign programs.
Multicenter Study
Association of age and opioid use for adolescents and young adults in community emergency departments.
Adolescents and young adults are at high risk for opioid misuse and abuse. The emergency department (ED) plays a key role in treatment of acute and chronic pain and is a primary place that this patient population is exposed to prescription opioids. We evaluate the effect of patient age on use of opioids for adolescents and young adults in community EDs. ⋯ For adolescent and young adult patients in the ED, there is a significant association between opioid prescribing and increasing age. This describes an opportunity to reduce opioid use in older adolescents and young adults.