Articles: palliative-care.
Pain that cannot be controlled by traditional oral and parenteral methods in those patients with advanced cancer can be alleviated by spinal administration of narcotics. Epidural and intrathecal infusion with morphine causes analgesia by blocking spinal receptors without significant long-term central nervous, gastrointestinal, and genitourinary system effects. Of the total of 33 patients, epidural catheters inserted in 20 patients then connected by a subcutaneous tunnel to a continuous infusion system. ⋯ Patient assessment by a linear analogue scale to measure pain levels determined that 23 of the 33 total patients (70%) had excellent or good relief of pain. The delivery of spinal administration of narcotics to treat intractable cancer pain in patients is safe. Most importantly, this method of delivery can be used in community hospitals, in outpatient settings, and in home health care programs.
In order to improve inpatient facilities for terminal care for elderly people, a special ward has been opened to maximize the quality of remaining life and to achieve 'death with dignity'. The ward is based within a geriatric department and in a District General Hospital. The work of the first year is described. It is considered to have been successful.
Cathet Cardiovasc Diagn · Aug 1991
Intravascular stents in the management of superior vena cava syndrome.
Superior vena cava syndrome can be effectively palliated with the use of intravascular stents. Adjunctive modalities which may be utilized prior to stent placement are thrombolytic therapy and balloon angioplasty. Six patients with an underlying malignancy were treated with these modalities. ⋯ One involved rethrombosis of the superior vena cava which occurred twice and required percutaneous thrombectomy, and the second involved restenosis requiring a percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of the SVC just distal to the stent. Both of these patients with second procedures, again, had complete resolution of symptoms. Intravascular stents are a valuable additional treatment of superior vena cava syndrome.