Articles: palliative-care.
Initial observations regarding the use of music therapy at one hospital in the palliative care of patients with advanced malignant disease are presented. In the hands of a trained music therapist, music has proven to be a potent tool for improving the quality of life. The diversity of its potential is particularly suited to the deversity of the challenges - physical, psychosocial and spiritual - that these patients present.
The Journal of urology · Apr 1978
Case Reports Comparative StudyChemical hypophysectomy for relief of bone pain in carcinoma of the prostate.
A series is presented of 10 patients with intractable pain secondary to diffuse metastatic prostatic carcinoma. These patients underwent pituitary ablation by a new method of chemical hypophysectomy, which consisted of multiple injections of absolute alcohol into the pituitary gland under stereotaxic control. ⋯ The sequelae are those associated with pituitary destruction, the most significant being diabetes insipidus. Preoperative and postoperative hormonal studies failed to reveal any significant hormonal changes despite good and almost immediate pain relief.
Temporary percutaneous electrical stimulation of peripheral nerves and the spinal cord is a valuable screening technique. This approach will provide a much higher success rate for identifying those patients suitable for a permanently implanted stimulation system. ⋯ The author presents his surgical procedures for stimulation of peripheral nerve and spinal cord. A summary of clinical results is discussed.
Five patients with double outlet right ventricle, ventricular septal defect, pulmonary arterial hypertension and pulmonary vascular obstructive disease and three patients with complete d-transposition of the great arteries, ventricular septal defect, pulonary arterial hypertension and pulmonary vascular obstructive disease underwent an elective Mustard baffle operation. The ventricular septal defect was not closed. A large patent ductus arteriosus was divided in three patients. ⋯ In pre and postoperative hemodynamic studies in four patients, systemic arterial oxygen saturation and effective pulmonary blood flow increased from mean values of 70% to 90% and 1.7/min/m2 to 3.3 L/mon/m2, respectively. Absolute systemic and pulmonary flows, and pressures and resistances, were not significantly altered. Criteria for selection of patients with transposition of the great arteries of double outlet right ventricle who would benefit from a palliative Mustard procedure (Mustard atrial baffle without closure of the ventricular spetal defect) are: 1) severe symptoms; 2) pulmonary arteiral hypertension (75% systemic) with pulmonary vascular obstructive disease; and 3) pulmonary artieral oxygen saturation greater than systemic (ascending aorta) arterial oxygen saturation by approximately 10%.